This study focused on Assessment of Records Creation and Maintenance in for proper administration in Islamic Schools in Zaria City. Five (5) research questions were raised to find out the types of records that are created in Islamic Schools in Zaria City, the medium used in records creation, how are records maintained in Islamic Schools among others. The research design adopted was cross-sectional survey; the population of this study consisted of all the teachers and headmasters in the Islamic Schools in Zaria City located in wards of Zaria City. Giving the total number of (391) in the (30) Islamic schools studied. Questionnaire was used to collect data. The data obtained from the copies of questionnaire was analyzed using simple percentages, and frequency. The findings of the study among others revealed that records created in Islamic Schools in Zaria City are financial records, contract records, promotion records, demotion records, PTA records, examination records, students certificates, staff records, attendance register, staff duty book, newly admitted students records, attendance register, are the records which are mainly generated. The medium through which records are mostly maintained in the Islamic Schools in Zaria City are Papers, Computer, Video Camera, and Handset. The study concluded that Islamic Schools in Zaria City creates and receive records through some of the events happening in the schools but the way they maintain such records leads to inability to provide them when needed. It was recommended among others that, school administrators should come up with a written and clearly spelt out records keeping and disposition policy which every teacher should be familiar with. Adequate computers, printers, scanners, flash dives, and other ICT facilities should be provided in the whole schools for creation and maintenance of records