This study assessed the Influence of Organization Climate on Effective Management of Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study specifically accessed the influence of open, autonomous, controlled, familiar, paternal and closed organizational climates on effective management of secondary schools in Kaduna State. Research questions and hypotheses were formulated in line with the objectives of the study. Related literature was reviewed in relation to the variables in the objectives. The Design of the study was descriptive survey and the total population was 10,048 consisting of 9,179 teachers, 525 principals and 344 school inspectors. The sample size was 370 respondents which comprised 338 teachers, 19 principals and 13 inspectors across the 23 local government areas of Kaduna state. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire, which was made up of 5 constructs covering the six organizational climates investigated; all the constructs were designed using Likert’s scales of five-points.
The instrument was pilot tested and data obtained from the pilot study was analyzed using test re-test method. To give the general description of data, frequency tables, mean and standard deviation were used. To test the six formulated null hypotheses, ANOVA statistics tool was used. Hypotheses 1, 2 & 5 were rejected showing that there was significant difference in the opinions of the respondents, while hypotheses 3, 4 & 6 were retained showing that there was no significant difference in the opinions of respondents that participated in the study. The major findings of this study highlighted that management staff in the study area give room for teachers and students to express themselves in the management of schools. The study recommended that open organizational climate whereby the management staff practice democratic types of leadership in dealing with both the teachers and the students should be practice in secondary schools in the study area. The study concluded that, there was adequate use of team work between stakeholders in the study area, the principal always encourages cooperation and assists others to work as team in order to achieve the goal of the school.