The comparative study of microorganisms associated with the spoilage of banana. “Banana is a general term embracing a number of species or hybrid in the genus musa, family bacteria organisms, small pieces of decayed tissue from the leading edge of the lesion was transferred, by means of sterile techniques, to the SDA contained in covered dishes and incubated at room temperature (28-370c). the fungal and bacterial growth visible within 2-7 days. Each observed fungal and bacterial growth based on their morphological and cultural microscopic examination and this microscopic examination was done using the lactophenol staining technique. Some organisms like Erwinia species has been incriminated as pathogen, saprophyte or constituent of epiphytic flora of plants.
Title page
Table of contents
CHAPTER ONE1.1 Introduction
1.2 Aim and objective
1.3 Significance of study
1.4 Statement of problem
1.5 Limitation
1.6 Hypothesis
2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Molds
2.2 Yeast
2.3 Bacteria
2.4 Bacterial Spoilage of Banana
2.5 Fungal spoilage of Banana
2.6 Other fungal spoilage of banana
2.7 Control of bacterial and fungal diseases
3.0 Materials and method 3.1 Sterilization of materials and media used
3.2 preparation of saboraud dexttros agar (SDA)
3.3 Preparation of nutrient agar
3.4 Bacterial/fungal isolation banana fruit
3.5 Bacterial Isolation and identification
3.6 Fungal Isolation and identification
3.7 Staining technique for bacterial Isolates
3.8 Isolation of yeats And Mold
4.0 Results4.1 Bacterial examination
4.2 fungi examination
5.0 Discussion 5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation
LIST OF TABLESTable I: Biochemical Isolates for Bacterial
Table II: Fungi Isolate
Table III: Biochemical test for yeast Isolated
Table IV: Sources of collection of the fruits
TABLE V: Organisms Isolated and Their Frequencies
LIST OF FIGURESFigure I: How Erwinia Species is the Highest Occurrence
Figure II: How Asperfillus species is the highest occurrence
Figure III: The least Occurrence is chromobacterium specie
Figure IV: The highest and a the least occurrence were aspergillus specie and rhodotorula specie
Figure V: The graphical representation of the frequency of occurrence of the microorganism found in the tested banana
Figure VI: Shows the frequency of occurrence of the micro-organisms found in the spoilt banana fruits.