

Presented To

Department of Education

The title of our project was attitude of parents towards girl-child education in 
Suru Local Government area, Kebbi State. A population of 150 was used the 
design for the study was survey design. The research questions were answered 
using descriptive status of simple percentage in tables. One of the major 
findings was early marriage and economic factors were responsible for low or 
non participation of girls in western education. It was also recommended that 
the few educated girls should be employed.

Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of Contents v
Abstract vii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1Background of the study 3
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the study 3
1.4 Research Questions 
1.5 Significance of the study 4
1.6 Scope of the study 5
1.7 Definition Operational Terms 
2.0 Review of related literature 10
2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Concept and nature of girl-child education in Nigeria 10
2.3 Impediments to participation in western education by girl-child 14
2.4 The attitude of parents towards girl-child education in Kebbi State 17
2.5 Strategies for improving girl-child education in Kebbi State 18
3.0 Research Methodology 22
3.1 Introduction 22
3.2 Research Design 22
3.3 Population 22
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques 22
3.5 Instrumentation 23
3.6 Method of Data Collection 23
3.7 Method of Data Analysis 24
3.8 Procedure of Data Analysis 24
4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data 25
4.1 Introduction 25
4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data 25
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 32
5.1 Introduction 32
5.2 Summary 32
5.3 Conclusion 33
5.4 Recommendations 34
One of the main aims of education is to train children for day to day 
living, which include enabling them to care for the need of the family as well as 
the nation. A successful education should also foster in children the joy and
happiness of living and to help them to take their place in the society as well as 
balanced individuals.
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in 
education (John Kennedy 1981). 
As stated above education is a work which legacy nation and parents 
should bequeath to their children in order to have independent, intelligent and 
wise cadres of tomorrow. The belief in this makes parents toil day and night in
their forms and work place to ensure that their children get the best education 
in their later time all over the world. Therefore this brings us to know that 
education play’s vital roles in hatching new cadres for the nation, especially
free and universal education for both male and female children in the society. 
In view, the above aims of education among many others, is therefore appealing 
and a thing of great sadness to know that girl-child education is given a lack 
deistical attitude by parents of Suru Local Government, Kebbi State.
This project therefore seek to find out the reasons for the cold attitude of
girl-child education by parents of Suru Local Government and possibly proffer 
lasting solution to the problem in the State.
Girl-child education is one of the issues that seem to be receiving 
prominent attention in Nigeria today. The development is indeed a reflection of 
global trend towards girl-child empowerment. Mention liberation, greater 
equality and indiscrimination. The background to this is predicated on the 
understanding of the noble role of girl-child in the socio-economic and political 
development at any country (Nwaubami, 1998). 
Girl"child no doubt are the most influential but often neglected group in 
most of the Nigerian societies. The neglect to a large extend has made girl-
child one of the disadvantaged groups in the developing countries at the 
world where they are marginalized on account of gender, social and cultural 
bias as well as other stereotypes (UNESCO 1992). 
In Nigeria, education is perceived as an instrument per excellence for 
effective national development (N.P.E 2004). In endorsing the importance of 
education for all Nigerians, the National Basic education in a variety of forms, 
depending on the need and possibilities be provided for all citizens bearing this 
goal in mind, government is expected to treat citizens equally in the process of 
providing educational opportunities. This there fore suggest that no Nigerian 
child should be deemed access to education and self fulfillment on the basis 
of some perceived misconceptions, like parental look Warm attitude, social 
stigma and gender superiority e.t.c. 
Indeed girl-child education is very important for the overall development 
of the country. The place of girl-child in our society is indeed such as important 
one that any deliberate neglect of their education could portend danger for the 
entire society. 
In fact, it has been often said to teach a boy child is to teach an 
individual, to teach a girl-child is to teach a family and a nation (Frederick 
In education female pass on their knowledge to their peers and other 
family members particularly their daughters there by multiplying the effect of 
their own education. It could be said that while education is essential for boys 
and girls, the benefits of educating, girls tend to be greater. This is so because 
female education has been found to have more significant impact on poverty 
reduction and the provision of sustainable development by influencing family
size and female labour participation. Hence parents should always think of 
these merits of girl-child education and allow their girl-child to be educated. 
It is indeed the responsibility of the family and society to protect the 
rights of all children including the girl-child. Thus a caring society will not 
only given dignity to young children through education but equally createconditions in which they can actualize their potentials and material of 
ensuring that the educational right of the girl-child is safe guarded is a very 
vital one. 
This is so because human rights in general and educational right in 
particular have a specific application to female children probably because of 
her society neglect and bias. Despite the new universal advantages of female 
education parents tend to prefer to educate their son’s given women’s role, the 
household economy and the perceived disadvantage of investing in a girl-
child who will marry in to another family and take with her the advantage she 
has gained (U.N.F.A 1993). 
The above demerit is one of the attitudes of parents towards girl-child
education in Kebbi State. But the most pronounced ones include perception of 
girl-child education and their peculiar house hold role’s poor parental 
educational background, poverty and limited resources e.t.c. 
Thus, in Kebbi State, girl-child enrolment in primary schools and 
transition to secondary and tertiary education seem quite low because of the 
above reasons. 
Further more, this parity between male and female gender in education 
could be based on several factors. Indeed, this inequality could be due to
intentional discrimination of the female child on educational issues. This is 
more pronounced in Kebbi, Sokoto State where Islam religion permit womento be married very early in life and to be confined in purdah. This friend has 
inevitably led to both low enrolments by girls, their high drop out rate. 
Certainly this does not mean that Islamic is opposed to girl-child education in
the country. Islamic has made it very clear that all Muslim in respective of 
their sex, age and social status should seek for knowledge that would poster 
their well-being both spiritually and materially. The position of the great with 
century revivalist movement lead by Sheikh Usman Danfodio and his brother 
Abdullahi on girls and women education is well known through the Sokoto 
caliphate area and beyond. It was Usman Danfodio who condemned those 
"Malam" and men who deprive their wives and women from participating in 
education programmes while they themselves importing or acquiring it out 
How ever, some parents in Kebbi State hide under the canopy of Islamic
religion to deprived girl-child from acquiring western education but great 
Islamic scholars have encouraged girl-child education. 
In Kebbi State as is the practice in Suru Local Government Area girls, 
face the problem of early marriage since it is culturally believed that early 
marriage prevents promiscuity. Also Suru Local Government Area the economic
factor of high bride prize makes some parents to given out their daughters 
early to wealthy families. Indeed the above parental attitudes urged the female child to think of nothing rather than becoming wives and mothers as their 
parents and society expects. More so, parents inculcate this in to the girl from 
very tender age, in the choice of duties in the home for instance girls young 
ones cook, wash and tidy the home, the boys are left with duties as washing 
the car or laundry. Further more, the western education system indoctrinated 
parents hence added little scale to poor parental attitude to western education. 
This is vividly illustrated in the text book. Used at all levels of Nigerian 
education system. The text book seems to be gender stereotypes. Because even 
at primary level the text book have stereotyped pictures such as father reading 
newspaper, or watching television , mother with baby on back, carrying basket 
on her way to market conversely. Within the cultural factor, lies the religious 
dimension which in Kebbi State also seem to be a prominent issue in parental 
attitude on girl-child education owing to poor parental attitude thus factor has 
created a wide gap between male and female enrolment in western education. 
Economic factor is also another problem which makes parents to deprive 
their female children from education. This is because girl-child seen, as 
migrants hence need not to waste any fund for them. 
However, some parents are absolutely poor and could not the burden of 
their female child education. Since to some parents the female would be 
married to another family.It is in the light of the above problem that the researcher seeks to 
examine and analyze the parental attitude towards girl-child education in 
Kebbi State with particular reference to Suru Local Government area.
The need for this study stems from the fact that education plays an 
important role in the development of social, economic, political and religions 
lives at the community. 
Especially the female who are vested with the responsibilities of being the 
husbands shadow and think tank at the home whose absence automatically 
brings down the entire foundation of the home. As a mother she is 
responsible for charting the future of the children. As a homemaker it is on her 
schedulers that the talks of managing limited resources resist. The duties of 
girl-child are so many and are related to education. Therefore, denail of 
education to the girl-child is an automatic failure on the part of such society. 
It is therefore in view of encouraging parents to send their girl-child to 
school that I have decided to undertake the research. First and fore most to 
know the reason why some parents in Suru Local Government do notsend 
their girl-child to school and lastly to show reasons why girl-child education is 
very important and encourage parents to send girl-child to school.
a. Does early marriage contributes to low or non participation of girl- child 
b. Why girl-child in most families are used as source of generating revenue 
by means of hawking and other trade aspects?
c. Does tradition and culture contribute to the problem of girl-child 
d. Does religion factor contribute to low or non participation of girl-child 
e. Does parental status affects girl-child education? 
 This project will be of immense benefit to parents generally. Those who 
come across it would appreciate the many benefit that can be derived 
education, especially girl-child education. It will enable parents who have a 
view about education for girl-child to have a rethink and their negatively about 
girl-child education changes to positively. Also this project will go a long way in 
assisting education students in the university and colleges of education for 
their research work and leisure reading.
The study titled "Attitudes of parents towards girl-child education in 
Kebbi State" is designed to examine some silent factors responsible for girl-
child enrollment in Western education in Kebbi State. 
Conversely, due to time and financial constrains the study is limit0ed to 
16 Local Government Area; Kebbi State. 
ATTITUDE:- This is the response of either approval or disapproval of a class of 
people or individual towards a particular aspect of life. 
GIRL-CHILD:- Girl-child is a feminine gender of the two genders of primary 
and junior secondary school age who is between the age of 6years and 16years 
whether disabled or not.

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