The main objective of the study is to highlight the contributions of advertising and marketing principles on sales of mobile phones, the factor that determine demand, pricing and distribution of the service in Nigeria.
The finding reveal that:
a. more male avail themselves of mobile phone service than female as exemplified in the study where 66% of the respondents were male.
b. it was noticed that adult between age 31 and 40 years patronize mobile phone services that most, with a percentage 42.4% of total respondents within this age brackets.
c. it was noticed that most of the respondents were either self employed or professionals in various field.
d. it was noticed that most of the respondents resided in the independence layout, Emene, Achara layout while the fewest resided in Abakpa- Nike.
e. In the course of this study, it was noticed that 58% of respondent were not interested in telecommunication while 7% indicated very strong interest.
f. It was discovered that the telecom firms enjoyed customers loyalty with 53% of respondents patronizing their respective services for over 3 years.
g. It was revealed that majority of the respondents exactly 51% preferred phone as their choice of communicating, ceting high response rate as their reason.
h. The result also revealed that the main cause of customers dissatisfaction in existing telephone are delay tones, hug billing interruptions on the set and inefficiency of the firms staff.
I The finding also revealed that services render to the new telecommunication firms are rated as excellent by their customers.
J It was revealed that the major means of communication used by telecom firms to advertise their services in television.
k. Other promotional activities of telecom firms apart from advertisement includes; personal selling, promotional gift items, trade shows and sponsorship.
l. most telecom customers see the attitude of their firms account executives as at best only accommodating with 54% of respondents indicating the belief.
m. From the response of the telecom executives it was noticed that the firms marketing and strategies are influenced by the technological economic, competitive and social factor.
n. The respondents also revealed that the impact of marketing techniques and strategies are noticed on the increasing net profit margin market share and shareholder funds of the firms.
LIST OF TABLE AND FIGURESTable 4.1 variations in sex and age.
Table 4.2 place of residence of respondent
Table 4.3 most preferred medium of communication.
Table 4.4 occupation of respondents
Table 4.5 interest in telecommunication
Table 4.6 telecom. Firms patronized by respondents
Table 4.7 period of operating an account with the firms.
Table 4.8 types of account operated by respondents.
Table 4.9 rating of the present performance of the telecom firms.
Table 4.10 means of communication used frequently by telecom to reach customers
Table 4.11 suggestions by respondents on what means of communication is most effective.
Table 4.12 necessity of marketing telephone service
Table 4.13 marketing of phone services increase sales and project.
Table 4.14 indispensability of marketing as services in telephone organization.
Table 4.15 factors influencing marketing tools and techniques used in the telecom. Firms.
Table 4.16 impact of marketing on phone services firms.
Table 4.17 methods of improving services.
Table 4.18 Extent of marketing pools and principles as influence n sales volume
Table 4.19 which of the following programmes do you consider worthwhile for profitability of the telecom firms.
Table 4.21 chi –square contingency table marketing principles information sales
Table 4.22 expected frequency (marketing effort and profit)
Title page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
List of table and figures ix
Table of content viii
Introduction 11.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 2
1.3 Objectives of the study 4
1.4 Significance of the study 5
1.6 Scope of the study 5
1.6 Limitation of the study 6
Literature Review 7
2.1 Marketing & marketing management 9
2.2 Why market telecommunication service 11
2.3 The impact of marketing in telecom industry 18
Research design and methodology 213.1 Source of data 21
3.2 Survey instrument 21
3.3 Population of study 22
3.4 Questionnaire administration 25
3.5 Description of materials 26
3.6 Method of collection 26
3.7 Validity and reliability of research instrument 30
3.8 Limitations of the study 30
CHAPTER FOUR4.1 Data presentation and analysis of data 32
4.2 Test of hypothesis 49
4.3 Test of hypothesis I 50
4.4 Test of hypothesis II 56
Summary of finding and recommendation. 605.1 Summary 61
5.2 Recommendations 63
5.3 Conclusion 65
Bibliography. 66