

Presented To

Department of Education

This study was designed to assess rural enlightenment and socio-economic development programmes of government radio broadcasting stations in Kaduna state, aimed at identifying the rural enlightenment and socio-economic development programmes, sectors involved, their aims, as well as the level of benefit and satisfaction derived from the programmes by the rural populace in Kaduna state. A survey method was adopted in undertaking the study and stratified random sampling technique was used in the selection of the sample size for the study. Five research questions were formulated for the study involving the staff of four government radio stations and the listeners (audience) from six selected local government areas of Kaduna state. Answers were sought on available types of information on rural enlightenment and socio-economic development programmes of government radio broadcasting stations which include: Our Health, Let Them Live, Agric Panorama, Animal Husbandry, Inside Politics, Politics Today, Entrepreneurship, Gar Wuriga Waina, Sports Arena, Mid-week Sports, Pace Setters, Al?adum Mu, among others. From a sample population of three hundred and twenty three (323) questionnaires distributed, two hundred and ninety three (293) were returned. Data was analysed, using frequency tables, percentage count, pie charts, bar charts, and histograms. The researcher assessed the message content, language used in presenting the development programmes on health, agriculture, politics, sports, cultural activities and economic empowerment programmes. Efforts were made to ascertain whether listeners benefit from the programmes or not, the level of benefits and level of satisfaction derived from these development programmes by the rural dwellers that constitute the bulk of the state population. The study discovered that the rural enlightenment and government socio-economic development programmes aired by the radio stations including; Supreme FM 96.1 of Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Kaduna; Kaduna State Media Corporation (KSMC), Kaduna; Queen FM 94.1, Zaria; and Rockside FM, Kafanchan, played appreciable roles in effectively disseminating information to the rural dwellers of Kaduna state. The study found out that the management of government radio houses and audience were positive about the potential of enlightenment on government socio-economic development programmes, while some respondents took for granted the information they got from the programme. The study also discovered the challenges faced by government radio broadcasting stations such as inadequate modern equipment, inadequate funds, lack of ICT facilities, and clashes in time schedule for the programmes by different stations, security of their equipment and government interference. It was recommended that, taking into consideration people?s socio-cultural and religious way of life, the use of simple language, good timing and developing audiences? research mechanism will go a long way in influencing listeners of the programme towards attitudinal change. It is also recommended that government and well-meaningful Nigerians should ensure the provision of new and up-to-date facilities, provision of ICT facilities, smooth broadcasting of programmes, improved human capacity building for radio personnel; provision of adequate funds by government, provision of security to safeguard the equipment, as well as the enactment of relevant laws that would prevent unnecessary government interference


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