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This research Evaluated the Policy Implementation of Universal Basic Education Programme in Kaduna State (2004 – 2013)with objectives to assess the policy implementation on enrolment of pupils in UBE Programme in Kaduna State (2004 – 2013), evaluate the policy implementation of retention of pupils in UBE programme in Kaduna State (2004 – 2013, assess the policy implementation on staff development programme for UBE programme in Kaduna State (2004-2013), assess the policy implementation on provision and management of infrastructural facilities for UBE programme in Kaduna State (2004 – 2013), evaluate the policy implementation on provision and management of instructional facilities for UBE programme in Kaduna state (2004 – 2013) and determine the policy implementation of provision and management of staff for UBE programme in Kaduna State (2004 – 2013). Six research questions were posed and six null hypotheses were formulated in line with the objectives. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study, the research was on opinion sampling. The study subjects were SUBEB directors, head teachers, and education secretaries (Management staff), teachers and PTA officials of all the local Governments in Kaduna State. The total number of the population was sixteen thousand three hundred and thirty one (16,331). One thousand and eight hundred and six (1806) respondents were sampled for the study. A self developed questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was designed on five point Likert rating scale. The instrument was validated, tested through pilot test and found valid for the study. The data were collected through the use of research assistants. One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical tool was used to analyze the six formulated null hypotheses. The findings of the research revealed that UBE policy increased pupils’ enrolment, pupils’ retention, staff development programmes, inadequate provision and inefficient management of infrastructural facilities for effective implementation of the UBE programme and inadequate supply of teachers and irregular training and retraining of teachers in UBE schools for effective UBE implementation in Kaduna State from 2004 – 2013. It was therefore, recommended the need for setting up of more UBE schools that should be located within the immediate communities due to increase in population growth, the UBE Act (2004), Penalty for parents who deprive their ward from Basic Education should be enforced to such erring parents and hence, make the programme indeed compulsory and teachers should be adequately provided and well trained in order to enhance efficiency. This could be done through routine data collection of teachers with the view to know schools with shortage of teachers. Other Recommendations are Non – Governmental Organizations, Old boys and community development organizations should come to aid the government efforts on the provisions of infrastructural facilities in schools for better teaching and learning. Government needs to provide adequate instructional facilities for UBE programme and facilities provided must be properly maintained in schools for effective UBE programme implementation. Head teachers, teachers, pupils and other members of the school community must join hands with Head Teachers to maintain facilities.
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