ABSTRACTThis thesis titled: •The religious justifications for the political actions of Shaikh Uthman bn Fodio in the Sokoto Jihad is primarily aimed at justifying from the Shariaah evidences, the religious basis for the political actions of Shaikh Uthman in the Sokoto Jihad. The work is organised in five chapters. In chapter one, a general introduction is given. The focus of the study is the religious basis for the Sokoto Jihad. The Jihad of Shaikh Uthman was a scholarly movement. However, it produced a political result that could be described as the most significant political event in the history of western Sudan in the nineteenth Century. Because of this, the Sokoto Jihad was conceived by some writers as a political movement in the guise of religion. But Jihad,as a religious movement is all embracing; such that its political, social, and even economic significance can not be isolated from its religious spirit. This study is therefore an attempt to justify, in the light of the Shari* ah evidence, the religious basis of such significant political actions of Shaikh Uthman in the course of the Jihad• and gdvance a - ix - hypothesis that Jihad as an Islamic movement, could be as political as it is religious. Social and economic as well. The research questions and objectives of the study, as provided in this chapter, are geared towards realising the inseparable nature of religious and secular life in Islam. And it is around this periphery that the Shariah justifications for the Sokoto jihad could be ascertained. In chapter two, the most relevant literatures have been reviewed. The materials are in three broad categories. These are: -1 The works of the Jihadists themselves. -2 Published textbooks, journals, seminar and Conference papers. -3 Post-graguate studies (mostly unpublished) on aspects of Sokoto Jihad. The topical review procedure is used. The topics considered for the review are: Hausaland before the Jihad Objectives of the Jihad The political ideals of the Jihad - The outcome of the Jihad Whereas, the sources tends to agree on most issues, interestingly however, is the observed discrepancies between the statements of objectives of the Jihadists - X - themselves, and the objectives of the Jihad stated by the post-Jihad writers, mostly speculative in nature and inconclusive. The objectives of the Jihadists (contained in their works) are more comprehensive, authoritative, reliable and free from prejudice. It provides therefore, the pivot abound which the Islamicity of the sokoto Jihad (in all aspects) revolves. In chapter three, attempts have been made to describe the methodology for the research. The research procedures, instruments, the population, the sample and sampling procedures have been described. This research being historical, adopts the purposive sampling technique and requires no statistical means to interprete the findings arising therefrom. Chapter four gives thfi. analysis of the pre-jihad (socio-economic and political) conditions, the religious nature of the j ihad and its implications on the political structure of Hausaland. An analytical review of the actions of Shaikh with significant political implications have been made. These actions were viewed from the political and social forces of the time and their justifications from the Shari'ah points of view - are established. The circumstances that led to the Jihad and the nature or way in which - xi - • v- .. • it was fought made it morally and religiously justified. In chapter five, a summary of the study is given. Attempt has been made in this chapter to summarise the sources of the data and a summary of the findings of the research. Finally conclusions are made and recommendations based on the findings of the study were made. What motivated this research is my personal experience as a student and Teacher of History, and the observed discrepancies in the statements of objectives of the Sokoto Jihad by the conventional historians on one hand, and the Jihadists and Muslim historians on the other. There is also the observed apologetic Stance of Muslim historiians in plaining the political significance of Sokoto Jihad. Whereas, religion and politics—are inseparable in Islam. This research is therefore undertaken to justify the political significance of Sokoto Jihad in the light of such actions of Shaikh Uthman that had political bearings. The research is essentially historical. It therefore adopts the historical approach (methodology) to gather and interprete data necessary for accomplishing the1, research objective. Five actions of Shaikh Uthman that the political bearings are critically examined. There are no evidences to show that the Shaikh was politically motivated