ABSTRACTThis study on the ‘Assessment of Provision and Maintenance of School Plant in Colleges of Education in North—West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria,(2010—2014) investigated on the Provision and Maintenance of Facilities, with particular reference to: Infrastructural facilities; Teaching facilities; Learning facilities; Welfare facilities; Recreation and Games facilities. To carry out the study, 10 objectives were set among which are to:(i) assess the opinions of management staff, teaching staff, senior non teaching staff union leaders and students’ representatives on the provision of infrastructural facilities in colleges of education in North-West Geo-political Zone, Nigeria;(ii) examine the opinions of management staff, teaching staff, senior non teaching staff, union leaders and students’ representatives on the maintenance of infrastructural facilities in Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-political Zone, Nigeria (iii) assess the opinion of management staff, teaching staff, senior non teaching staff union leaders and student’s representative on the provision of teaching facilities in colleges of education in North-West Geo-political Zone, Nigeria (iv ) ascertain the opinions of management staff, teaching staff, senior non teaching staff, union leaders and students’ representatives on the maintenance of teaching facilities in Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-political Zone, Nigeria etc. In this regard, 10 research questions were asked in order to guide the study. i.e.(a) what are the opinions of management staff, teaching staff, senior non teaching staff union leaders and students’ representatives on the status of provision of infrastructural facilities in Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-political Zone, Nigeria?;(b) what are the opinion of management staff, teaching staff, senior non teaching staff, union leaders and students’ representative on the level of maintenance of infrastructural facilities in College of Education in North-West Geo-political Zone, Nigeria?. Ten null hypotheses were formulated for the study. Descriptive survey design was adopted and used to cover all the seven states that constituted North-West Geo-Political Zone. A total population of 4,811 made of 72 management staff, 4,475 teaching staff, 120 senior non teaching staff, union leaders and 144 students’ representative were for the study. A sample of 24 management staff, 267 teaching staff, 36 senior non teaching staff union leaders and 48students’ representatives was arrived at, using Roscoe making the total sample size to 375. After the distribution of the questionnaire a total of 370 samples comprising 24 management staff, 262 teaching staff, 36 senior non teaching staff, union leaders and 48 students’ representatives were retrieved. A close ended questionnaire (five point likert scale) was used as the instrument for data collection. The instrument was validated by my supervisors and other experts’ Pilot study was conducted to determine the reliability coefficient of alpha level of .846 and standard alpha level of 0.876 was obtained. This, therefore, confirms the reliability of the instrument used for the conduct of the research. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), using 0.05 levels of significances. The analysis indicated that all the 10 null hypotheses were retained. Recommendations include electricity, tap water, and standby generators should be provided among others Further suggestions for the studies such as ,. Assessment of Provision and Maintenance of teaching and learning facilities in Polytechnics’ in North-West Geo-Political Zone Assessment of provision and maintenance of welfare and recreational facilities in Colleges of Education in North-Central Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria be carried out