This study assessed the Implementation of Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme in Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna State Nigeria. The study was conducted with five objectives among which are to assess the improvement in the citizenry a strong consciousness for education and commitment to its promotion; ascertain the stability on the unfettered nine 9-year of formal basic education; examine the provision of Free, Compulsory, Universal Basic Education for every Nigerian child of school-going-age; evaluate whether or not the incidence of drop-out from formal school has drastically reduced between 2010-2015 through improved relevance, quality and efficiency and determine the compliance of the acquisition of appropriate levels of literacy, numeracy, manipulative, communicative and life skills as well as the ethical, moral and civic values needed for laying a solid foundation for life-long learning in Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. In line with the stated objectives fives research questions and five null hypotheses were formulated. Various related literature were reviewed and acknowledge on the study. The study adopted the use of descriptive survey research design. The population of the study consists of 452 Teachers, 72 Head-teachers 28 Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Officials and 13 Supervisors. Therefore, Stratified Random Sampling Technique was used as it entails dividing the heterogeneous population into stratum and selecting sample from each stratum. The sample is 565 out of the entire population of 4,648. Data collected through the use of a researcher made questionnaire and designed on five point Likert rating scale which is in tandem to the study. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient (r) was used to test and ascertained the reliability of the instrument, the valued obtained was at 0.78. One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical tool was used to analyse the five formulated null hypotheses. The findings of the research revealed that most parents are unaware of Universal Basic Education (UBE) Programme and its benefits and are not committed to its vigorous promotion as a result of weak awareness creation medium; adherence to the nine 9-year formal basic education is stable as there was no interruption in the proceedings of the 9-year schooling; no free education provided, assorted levies of different sorts are charged/paid and still going in UBE schools; incidences of drop-out still looms high between 2010-2015 and withdrawal of children or wards has continued unabated, children were found hawking during school hour with no evidence of prosecution and most children still cannot speak fluent basic English, identification of write-ups, values of digit number using thousands, hundred, tens and units is still very difficult in Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that massive educational awareness strategies should be engaged to create awareness on the need and benefits of at least basic education for every individual; The Nigerian Police should be alerted and empowered to enforce the UBE law over defaulters in enrolling their wards in school. Prosecution and arrest of parents who refused to enroll their wards into school or withdraw their wards from school system be enforced. Government, companies, philanthropists, organizations and other relevant stakeholders should be encouraged to contribute to the development of UBE through the provision of funds to enable total free education in UBE schools. Curriculum of the UBE should harness and enriched to fit with the UBE teaching requirements. Proper supervision should be put into effect on the teaching/learning procedure to check-mate the poor educational standard of the UBE programme and qualified teachers should be employed to improve learning standard.