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This is a study of trends of tafsÄÂ�r among selected ‘ulamÄÂ�’ in Northern Nigeria. It examines a variety of aspects in relation to the sciences of tafsÄÂ�r, the tarjamah (translation) of the glorious Qur’ÄÂ�n and the differences between the two. It also highlights tafsÄÂ�r in KanemBorno and Sokoto caliphates. The study shows that the level of understanding of the ‘ulamÄÂ�’ influenced by their philosophical positions, sectarianism and the prevailing political situation made them to interpret the Qur’ÄÂ�n in different ways. Four ‘ulamÄÂ�’ were chosen as the subjects of this study, namely Shaykh NÄÂ�sir Kabara, Shaykh AbÅÂ� Bakr MahmÅÂ�d Gumi, Shaykh ‘IsÄÂ� Waziri and Shaykh TÄÂ�hir ‘UthmÄÂ�n Bauchi. The study argues that the main focus of Shaykh NÄÂ�sir Kabara’s tafsÄÂ�r are: extraction of historical events in the Qur’ÄÂ�n, interpretation of the Qur’ÄÂ�n in the context of sufism particularly the QÄÂ�diriyyah sÅÂ�fÄÂ� order, his defence of the ash‘arite creed, his rejection of some isrÄÂ�’iliyyÄÂ�t interpretations, and his interpretation of some verses of the Qur’ÄÂ�n in the context of the social condition of people. Shaykh AbÅÂ� Bakr MahmÅÂ�d Gumi’s tafsÄÂ�r focused mainly on: according high priority to some verses relating to taÅÂ�hÄÂ�d, his interpretation of the Qur’ÄÂ�n with the hadÄÂ�th, extraction of some fiqh aspects in the Qur’ÄÂ�n, interpretation of the Qur’ÄÂ�n to facilitate socio-economic and political reformation and attitudinal changes and his subscription to the salafiyyah trend of thought. The study also discusses that Shaykh ‘IsÄÂ� Waziri’s tafsÄÂ�r has the following focus: attaching high priority on the interpretation of verses dealing with some social and economic issues, extraction of some fiqh aspects from the Qur’ÄÂ�n, making reference to aspects of comparative religion, protection of the ash’arite creed and narration of asbÄÂ�b al-nuzÅÂ�l and some historical facts of the Qur’ÄÂ�n. Finally, Shaykh TÄÂ�hir ‘UthmÄÂ�n Bauchi emphasized five aspects while interpreting the Qur’ÄÂ�n. These are: interpretation of the Qur’ÄÂ�n with the Qur’ÄÂ�n and the hadÄÂ�th respectively, extraction of some fiqh aspects, interpretation of some verses of the Qur’ÄÂ�n in the context of sufism particularly the TijÄÂ�niyyah sÅÂ�fÄÂ� order and his treatment of historical aspects of some Qur’ÄÂ�nic verses.
This material is a comprehensive and well-written project, structured into
Chapter (1 to 5) for clarity and depth.
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