11 Introduction 1
12 Research questions 1
13 Knowledge of foundation -- 6
14 Objectives - 8
15 Theoretical basis
- 9
16 Propositions 15
17 Structural model of the study 20
18 Contribution of the study - 21
181 Theoretical advancement in tourism study - 21
182 Practical application for the tourism-planning program 21
19 Chapter summary - 22
21 Introduction 23
22 Relevance of the research 23
23 Tourism impacts 25
231 Economic impacts -- 27
Employment opportunities 26
Revenues from tourists for local business and standard for living - 29
Cost of living 29
232 Social impacts 30
Congestion -- 31
Local service 31
Increasing social problem 32
233 Cultural impacts -- 32
Preservation of local culture 33
Cultural exchanges between residents and tourists -- 34
234 Environmental impacts - 35
Pollution -- 35
Solid waste -- 36
Wildlife 36
235 Social carrying capacity 39
236 Life cycle model -- 40
2361 Beginning stage -- 44
2362 Growth stage -- 44
2363 Maturity stage - 45
2364 Decline stage -- 46
24 Quality of life studies 47
241 Material well-being domain 54
Standard of living -- 54
Income and employment - 55
242 Community well-being domain - 57
243 Emotional well-being domain 58
Leisure activity -- 58
Spiritual activity 60
244 Health and safety well-being domain -- 61
245 Other well-being domains - 62
Family well-being - 62
Neighborhood well-being 63
25 Chapter summary -- 64
31 Introduction 65
32 Research framework 65
33 Research hypotheses 67
34 Statistical method employed - 69
341 Phase I: Structural equation model - 69
3411 Measurement model 69
3412 Structural equation model - 71
342 Phase II: Hierarchical multiple regression 73
35 Research design -- 74
351 Survey instrument -- 74
352 Data collection 74
353 Sample -- 74
Stratified random sampling - 75
Sample size -- 81
354 Measurement variables - 81
3541 Exogenous variables 82
Economic impact variables 83
Social impact variables 84
Cultural impact variables -- 85
Environmental impact variables - 86
3542 Endogenous variables - 87
Material well-being variables 87
Community well-being variables -- 88
Emotional well-being variables - 88
Health and Safety variables - 89
QOL in general -- 90
355 Pretest of the measurement instrument 91
36 Reliability and validity - 91
37 Chapter summary - 93
41 Introduction - 94
42 Pretest 94
421 Pretest Survey method -- 95
422 Pretest sample -- 96
423 Results from the pretest -- 97
4231 Economic impact variable - 98
4232 Social impact variables -- 101
4233 Cultural impact of tourism variables - 103
4234 Environmental impact of tourism variables -- 105
4235 Material well-being domain 106
4236 Community well-being domain -- 108
4237 Emotional well-being domain - 109
4238 Health and safety well-being domain 110
4239 Quality of life (QOL) in general -- 112
43 Final survey 113
431 Survey method 113
432 Samples 114
433 Profile of the respondents 115
434 Late-response Bias Tests - 117
435 Descriptive statistics, Skewness, and Kurtosis - 118
44 Data analysis 119
441 Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) - 119
4411 CFA of economic impact of tourism constructs 121
4412 CFA of social impact of tourism constructs - 123
4413 CFA of cultural impact of tourism constructs -- 124
4414 CFA of the environmental impact of tourism construct - 126
4415 CFA of the material well-being construct 127
4416 CFA of the community well-being construct -- 129
4417 CFA of the emotional well-being constructs 130
4418 CFA of the health and safety well-being construct 131
442 Testing the proposed model 133
4421 Measurement model 134
4422 Fit indices - 143
4423 Discriminality validity - 147
4424 Convergent validity - 150
4425 Testing the proposed model and hypotheses 150
44251 Testing the hypothesized structural model 156
44252 Analysis of the Hypotheses - 161
4426 Testing of moderating effects 166
45 Chapter summary - 190
51 Introduction 194
52 Summary of findings 194
53 Discussions of the findings - 196
531 Research questions and hypotheses 199
532 Summary of the discussion 210
54 Implication of this study 210
541 Managerial implications -- 210
542 Theoretical implications -- 213
55 Limitations of the study 215
56 Suggestions of the future study -- 216
57 Conclusions 217
APPENDIX A Survey Instrument - 236
APPENDIX B Reminder postcard - 245
APPENDIX C Counties and cities in each stage and the number of
respondents from each county and city 246
APPENDIX D Demographic Profile of the respondents 247
APPENDIX E The results of the Pearson Chi-Square test for late
response bias tests -- 250
APPENDIX F Individual items of the constructs with mean scores and standard deviation - 253
APPENDIX G The procedure of selecting the number of indicators 259
Table 21 The major positive and negative impacts of tourism - 38
Table 22 The characteristics of tourism development stage 43
Table 31 The criterion of the development stage -- 76
Table 32 The criterion of the development stage associated with indicators -- 78
Table 33 Counties and cities in each stage and the number of stratified Sample 80
Table 41 Demographic Profile of the pretest sample -- 97
Table 42 Factor analysis result of the economic impact of tourism construct 100
Table 43 Factor analysis result of the social impact of tourism construct 102
Table 44 Factor analysis result of the cultural impact of tourism construct 104
Table 45 Factor analysis result of the environmental impact of tourism Construct - 106
Table 46 Factor analysis result of material well-being construct - 107
Table 47 Factor analysis result of community well-being construct - 108
Table 48 Factor analysis result of emotional well-being construct 110
Table 49 Factor analysis result of health and safety well-being construct - 112
Table 410 Factor analysis result of the quality of life in general -- 113
Table 411 Response Rate - 114
Table 412 The result of the χ2 test for objective and subjective development stage 117
Table 413 Composite Reliability and validity of the economic impact variables 123
Table 414 Composite Reliability and validity of the social impact variables -- 125
Table 415 Composite Reliability and validity of the cultural impact variables -126
Table 416 Composite Reliability and validity of the environmental impact Variables - 128
Table 417 Composite Reliability and validity of material well-being variables 129
Table 418 Composite Reliability and validity of the community well-being Variables - 130
Table 419 Composite Reliability and validity of the emotional well-being Variables 131
Table 420 Composite Reliability and validity of the health and safety well-being 133
Table 421 Parameter estimates for the proposed nine-factor measurement Model 138
Table 422 Composite reliability and validity of overall measurement model - 141
Table 423 Fit indices the proposed measurement model - 144
Table 424 Results of Discriminant Validity Tests -- 149
Table 425 Fit indices for five sub-model - 154
Table 426 The results of SCDT -- 155
Table 427 Pattern of estimated parameters in the Gamma and Beta matrices -- 158
Table 428 Fit-indices the proposed theoretical model 159
Table 429 Estimated standized coefficients for the hypothesized model 160
Table 430 Results of a Hierarchical MRC analysis for economic impact and development stages 169
Table 431 Results of a HMR analysis for economic impact and perceived development stages 173
Table 432 Results of a Hierarchical MRC analysis for social impact and development stages -- 175
Table 433 Results of a HMRC analysis for social impact and perception of development stages -- 178
Table 434 Results of a Hierarchical MRC analysis for cultural impact and development stages 181
Table 435 Results of a HMRC analysis for cultural impact and the perception of the development 183
Table 436 Results of a HMRC analysis for environmental impact and development stages - 186
Table 437 Results of a HMRC analysis for environmental impact and perception of the development -- 188
Table 438 The summary of hypotheses testing results - 190
Table 51 Hypothesized relationships and results 199