Democracy is always seen as an indispensable feature of any nation. The idea that the practice of true democracy is very pivotal for the survival and progress of every nation of that would Nigerian is not an exception. Thus, Nwabueze (1991:20) succinctly describes democracy as â€�“A form of government which recognizes and institutionalizes the people as fountain of power and enables them by the means election at frequent intervals on universal adult franchise to choose and mandate those to govern a form of government in which the public good or welfare of the people is the objectâ€Â�. Lamentably, however, democracy in an underdeveloped nations like Nigeria is an irony comparing it to the above definition of democracy. True democracy should be people oriented without being coursed in any way. In Nigeria, ethnicism and religion has distorted democracy, disorganized the whole political system and has finally made Nigerian nation a laughing stock in the community of nations. This is because people are busy fighting ethnic/religious crises and don’t even know the meaning of democracy let alone the practicing of true democracy. Moreso, the research work is purely centered an democracy and Islamic sect (bokoharam) with special reference to President Goodluck Jonathan regime. To efficiently carry out the research, the researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data collection. The primary source were oral interview on the masses about the regime of president Goodluck Jonathan, the questionnaire was also formulated to solicit information from the respondents which also acted as primary source of information, whereas the library materials, magazines, newspaper and internets materials acted as secondary sources of information. The researcher also formulated research questions that acted as guide to the study. The data generated from the questionnaire responses was presented and also analyzed using the questionnaire responses. However, the findings of the study reveals that Nigeria is not practicing true democracy i.e. they don’t even understand the meaning of democracy, let alone the practice of it. The members of the political class are very very corrupt. The citizens are not given the chance to exercise their fundamental human rights. There is high rate of insecurity of lives and properties in Nigeria especially in the regime of President Goodluck Jonathan regime. And report shows that the political class especially Buhari that wanted to be the president of the so called democratic nation but lost it to Goodluck vowed that he will make Nigeria ungovernable for Goodluck Jonathan. It was believed that Buhari, IBB, Atiku and other northern Bourgeois of this nation are the brain behind bokoharam attack to the regime of President Goodluck Jonathan that is why the bokoharam say that if they will come for negotiation, that Buhari most be there. As a result of the above findings, it was recommended that government should engage the group in a dialogue, and inaugurate programmes that would address issues, equally government should deal decisively with anybody sponsoring bokoharam activities in Nigeria.