ABSTRACTField trials were conducted at Irrigation Research Sub-station Farm of the Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Kadawa (11°, 39'N 80°, 27' E and 500m above sea Level), during the 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 dry seasons to determine the morphological and physiological characteristics of Irrigated durum wheat varieties. The treatments consisted of fourteen Durum wheat varieties (Silver 13, Betriq5, Mexicali75, Minimus, Musk l5, Platal8, Nasser 5, SRN1/6, Anser, Spot, Tody's' Altar 84, SN-Turk and Silver 15). The treatments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design, with three replications. The result had shown both similarities and variation in growth and development among the varieties tested. Minimus was observed to be superior to most of the varieties in terms of plant height, number of tillers, dry matter accumulation. The variety was also observed to record higher values in terms of number of grains per spike and grain yield. However, the grain yield produced by Minimus was observed to be statistically similar with that of other varieties except Tody's and Altar 84 that had the least grain yield. When grain yield was correlated with growth and yield components, positive and significant association was observed on plant height (0.3128), tiller number (0.3713) and number of grains per spike (0.3156), while negative and non significant correlation was observed with dry matter accumulation (-0.008).