ABSTRACTThe broad objective of this study is to examine the factors influencing adoption of improved Irish potato production practices in Kudan and Giwa Local Government Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of Irish potato farmers in the study area, examine the different sources of information through which farmers learn about recommended Irish potato production practices, assess the level of adoption by farmers, determine the effect of socio-economic, institutional and technological factors on the adoption by farmers, examine the effect of adoption on income and yield of non-adopters and adopters; and to describe the constraints faced by farmers in the adoption of recommended Irish potato production practices in the study area. A multi-stage sampling technique was used for this study. The first stage was the purposive selection of two (2) Local Governments Areas. Secondly, six villages were purposively selected, two from each LGA, Finally, a simple random sampling was employed in selecting the respondents who are adopters of recommended Irish potato production practice and those who are non-adopters. Primary data were collected from 160 farmers through the use of random sampling techniques with the aid of structured questionnaire. Tools of analyses used were description statistics (such as frequencies, percentages, and means) and inferential statistics such as multiple regressions and Z-statistic. Results of data analysis reveal that the mean age of adopters and non-adopters were 43 and 42 years, respectively. Approximately 59% of adopters and 65% of non-adopters had some form of formal educational qualifications. It was found that majority (31%) of the farmers acquired information about the recommended Irish potato production practices through extension services. The mean adoption level was 4 which fall within the moderate level of adoption. Farmer‟s level of adoption was observed to be at the moderate level. The results of the multiple regression analysis revealed that age, household size, farm size, farming experience, access to credit, information sources, membership of association, relative advantage index, compatibility index and complexity index were the socio-economics, institutional and technological factors that influence the adoption 65% of recommended Irish potato production practices by farmers in the study area at various significant levels. From the result of Z-statistic it was found that the mean difference for yield and annual farm income non-adopter and adopter of the recommended Irish potato production practices was statistically significant at 5 and 1% levels of significance, respectively. It was concluded that adoption had significant impact on the yield and income of the adopters. Finally, insufficient capital was ranked as the foremost constraints faced by farmers in the adoption of recommended Irish potato production practices in the study area, it was therefore, recommended that farmers should be encouraged to diversify their livelihood activities by engaging in non-farming activities in order to augment farm family income and thereby increase productivity.