ABSTRACTA study was conducted to determine the genera, frequency and prominence value of plant parasitic nematodes associated with Jatropha curcas accessions in Sabon Gari, Kudan, Giwa and Zaria Local Government Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria in 2013. Using systematic random method of sampling, 72 soil and root samples were collected from the Jatropha plant stands, and nematodes extracted from the samples using the sieving and decanting and modified Baermann pan methods. Twenty-four genera of plant-parasitic nematodes were recorded in all the locations. Plant-parasitic nematodes recovered includes Scutellonema, Hoplolaimus, Pratylenchus, Aphelenchus, Meloidogyne, Tylenchoryhnchus, Rotylenchus, Longidorus, Helicotylenchus, Paratylenchus Heterodera Xiphinema, Tylenchus, Criconemoides, Hemicycliophora, Aphelenchoides, Tetylenchus, Trichodorus, Dorylaimus, Tylenchulus, Telotylenchus, Pratylenchoides, Telotylenchoides, and Rotylenchoides. The most prominent nematode from the soil were Scutellonema with prominence value of 81.09, followed by Meloidogyne and Rotylenchus with prominence values of 46.50 and 39.60 respectively, and from the roots, Scutellonema, Meloidogyne and Rotylenchus with prominence values of 77.15, 50.93 and 26.94, respectively. Scutellonema, Tylenchus and Meloidogyne were the most abundant nematodes from the soil with frequency values of 97.22%, 95.83% and 86.11% respectively, while Meloidogyne, Scutellonema, and Pratylenchus were the most abundant nematodes from the root with frequency values of 55.56%, 34.72% and 25.00% respectively, Reaction of Jatropha curcas accessions; IARJAT2009020, IARJAT2009011, IARJAT2009041 and IARJAT2009016 to infection with 2000 eggs of Meloidogyne incognita was evaluated under controlled environmental conditions in Samaru. There was no significant differences at P=0.05 between the four accessions with respect to vii number of galls/ root at 8 weeks after inoculation and final nematode population count. IARJAT2009016 had the highest galls/ root 10.0 followed by IARJAT2009041with 6.67 galls/ root. However, final population count had IARJAT2009011with 37.27 followed by IARJAT2009016, 28.11 and lowest population 13.50 obtained on IARJAT2009041. Although plant parasitic nematodes were found to be associated with Jatropha curcas on the surveyed areas the pathogenicity test has shown that Meloidogyne incognita is not pathogenic on the Jatropha curcas accessions used. These accessions (IARJAT2009020, IARJAT2009011, IARJAT2009041 and IARJAT2009016) therefore may be used to manage Meloidogyne incognita infected soils in a mixed crop combination.