A book shelve is a structure which here series of compartments for the preservation of books, valuable or useful materials, which are made up of metal, wood or plastic materials of construction. (Engineering materials).
The book shelve was constructed in the institute. (I.M.T Enugu).
However, before the construction, two standard metal sheets of length 96 inches and height 48 inches respectively, where dimension and divided into these required dimensions and sizes. Then welding operation were carried out and the dimension parts was welded into their fit places.
More so, filling of operation was also carried out, in other to smooth surface of the construction work and filling of pores and holes created was done.
Finally, in other to avoid destruction and corrosion or chemical attacks painting operation was done which the last operation was carried out.
Furthermore, the major result obtained from the construction were up to standard of a recommended book shelve. The cost for labour, purchasement, transportation, machine, and general total cost was N24,000.00 only (Twenty four thousand Naria only).