A bookshelf is a component fabricated for the purpose of storing or packaging books, files and other important documents.
The main aim of constructing this project is to produce a wooden bookshelf which will provide a lasting solution to the problem facing libraries, offices, churches and homes in packaging and storing book items and other items.
In search for storage facilities for books, and other important documents in libraries, offices, etc, a concept to produce durable bookshelf was initiated. Therefore, the construction of this shelf will help the prospected user(s) to be packaging their documents well an safe. There are different kinds of engineering materials which could be used in this type of construction apart from wood. These are: metal, plastic, and glass.
The construction was facilitated by some simple machine (tools) such as harmmer, saw, tape, scriber, jack plain, sandpaper, sprayer and materials such as nails, hinges and gums. As a matter of fact, different operations were performed sequentially to realize the finished product (bookshelf). Such processes are: making out, cutting/sewing; planning/smoothening; grooving and sunking (where necessary); joining; spraying.
Mahogany wood was utilized in the construction. The wood was cut with sawing machine having measured it with tape to rescuer the desired measurements thus: 48 inches height: 42 inches length: 12 inches breadth. It was then smoothened to give a nice outlook.
With gum the skeleton was formed before nailing. The skeleton was so formed before partitioning so that it would support and create reinforcement to the shelf and make it stand firm at the expected position while nailing and fixing the doors with hinges.
Sequent to this, it was appropriately nailed and gum was blended with sawdust to smoothen rough and gapped places on the shelf before sandpaper and sprayed with sprayer.
Conclusively, the glass doors were fixed which embellished the job exceedingly.
As a matter f fact, the construction was designed to meet the requirement of Nigerian Standard Organization (NSO) in the construction of bookshelf. This is for the fact that the materials used were the high quality ones. Not only this reasons, the standard measurement was also employed as indicated above.
It is necessary here to summarize the costing of the project as given in detail in recommendation part of this write up. Thus, cost of material was nine thousand nine hundred and severity naira (N9,970.00). Running cost was one thousand and two hundred naira (1,200.00) where as workmanship was three thousand eight hundred and thirty naira (N3,830.00) to total the sum of fifteen thousand naira (N15,000.00).
Title page
Letter of transmittal
Approval page
Table of contents
IntroductionChemical properties of hard wood
Corrosion resistance
Fabrication factor
Cost factor
Description of the wooden shelf
Objectives of the project
Literature reviewHistory of wooden shelf
Types of shelf
Application of wooden shelf
Comparism of wood and steel for construction of a strong shelf
Material of construction
Hard wood
Soft wood
Construction methodology/procedure
Marking out
Cutting operation
Planning operation
Cost analysis
Cost of material
Cost of machine
Cost of labour
Total cost of project
Cost reporting