When a firm has more than one project to consider at any one time, the portfolio theory approach is used to define the risk of one project in terms of its effect on the overall riskiness of the complete portfolio of projects the firm is undertaking. The problem of man has always been the allocation of scarce resources and choosing between alternatives. The main text of this report therefore is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is introductory providing background in formation as to the features of financial Asset investment, portfolio Andysis and its application in finance, and the significance of portfolio management. Chapter two deals with literature review principles and concept of portfolio management evaluation of portfolio performance. This chapter addressed the current major portfolio practices of investors in the Nigeria market and the problems facing them and realised that the portfolio investment flows, have however, been concentrated in private institutions, especially "Blue chip" companies that have a good rating in their own right in the capital markets
Chapter three deals with portfolio management strategies and experience of selected investors. The methodology adopted in this investigation was restricted mainly to questionnaires distributed. In the course of the research, a question was put to the innovators to-ascertain what in their opinion was responsible for poor development in security investment in the country, some of the answers were quite interesting. 35% of the respondents, laid the blame at the door steps of the stock exchange, some said there were insufficient number of trading floor, a theoretical rather than pragmatic pricing
policy. It was also found that among the traders that only few has little or no knowledge of stock-exchange not to talk of investment in securities.
The concluding chapter deals with observations and conclusion. It was observed that Government need to create to investors in Nigeria and the researcher come to the conclusion that.
(i) Optional management of investment portfolios is not practised in Nigeria
(ii) The Nigerian investor depends more on hunches than on scientific collation, analysis and study of factual information and data for security investment.