The preoccupation of this project is to evaluate the marketing of services in a public utility company with faith particular reference to the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). In order to facilitate the study, data were collected from both the primary and secondary sources. Personal interviews were also used as a major source of collecting primary data.
The research work was carried out in five chapters. Chapter one deals with introduction covering such areas as the background information, statement of problem, the research question, purpose of study, hypothesis of the study, delimitation and limitation of study as well as the methodology and operational definition of the study.
Chapter two succruictly reviewed the related literature to the study covering such areas as the nature and scope of marketing, the concept of quality,
total quality management, the marketing of services, effective management of quality customer service, and the corporate nature of (NEPA).
Chapter three shows the methodology of the study. Under this chapter, the research design, population of the study, the sampling, description of instruments used, and the analysis of statistical technique used were treated.
Chapter four of the study basically showed the presentation and analysis of data while chapter five summarized and concluded the study after which
recommendation were given based on research findings.