Chapter one of the study contains the introduction which highlights the statement of the problem objective of the study. Scope
of the study, Research methodology, limitations of the study as well as the definition of some relevant terms refered to in the study.
Chapter 2 is the literature review. The chapter is divided into 3 parts viz-(1) objectives of trade fairs (2) Nigeria's Economic
development in perspective aid (3) the Nigerian Financial system and the development of the economy.
Chapter 3 deals with Research Methodology and Historical background. The chapter explains the methods and sources of Data
collection namely personal observation, personal discussion as well as Secondary sources. The last part of this chapter gives a brief
historical background of trade fairs. Chapter 4 is the Data presentation and analysis. The Chapter
highlights the official themes of Kaduna traditional trade fair from 1976 to 1996,some notable achievements of the fair. Data of revenue
generation and participants of the fair as well as records of sales of the fair. The last part of the chapter gives a find analysis of the data
so presented. Chapter 5 contains the summary, recommendations and conclusion