This research work is based on inventory management in an hotel industry a case of Randala Hotel, Kaduna. In order to understand
this research work better, the researcher has introduced the subject matter in stating the statement of general problems,
background for the subject matter, history of the organisation, the rationale for study, limitation constraints as well as the
The researcher in order to have a guide, he has developed two sets of working hypothesis, which at the end of the research work he was
able to prove and the results found led to some recommendations for management actions. In the literature review, the views given by the various authors have shown that inventory management in the public section is very important as it is in the private concerns. This shown the
importance of inventory management in any organisation. In carrying out the study, a total of 60 questionnaires were sent out,
out of which 50 questionnaires were answered and returned and which were useful for data analysis. The sampling strategy and
statistical techniques was employed in evaluating the data. Three methods were being taken and utilized when collecting the data,
these were questionnaires, documents, and interview methods and the results were analysised through the percentage technique