This study is entitled "The Effectiveness of Communication on Staff Performance in an Organisation: A Study of Nigerian Television Authority
(N.T.A) Kaduna". It is obvious in most organisations that ineffective communication brings about poor working relationship, suspicion as well
as conflict which to a large extent affects performance within the organisation. This study was conducted for the purpose of assessing the
system of communication in organisations as well as identifying ways in which relationships between management and other staff of the Nigerian
Television Authority (N.T.A.),Kaduna can be improved to bring about good working relationship and greater performance. Two hypotheses were
formulated. The first hypothesis which states thus: "That performance in N.T.A. Kaduna is affected by ineffective communication was accepted while
the second which states that hierarchical channel of communication causes delay in decision making was rejected. The study employed the survey
method. That is, both primary and secondary data were used. The findings from the study shows that effective communication enhances performance and brings about effectiveness and efficiency, while ineffective communication leads to negative attitude to work as well as ineffectiveness and inefficiency. In addition, hierarchical communication helps in achieving set goals as it enhances checks and balances within the organisation. At the end of the study, it was recommended among other thins that dialogue and meetings should be encouraged so that employees will have a sense of belonging and so put in their best in their jobs and work towards the attainment of organisation's success.