This study assesses the Effect of Millennium Development Goals (MDG I) on poverty reduction in Wukari and Ibi LGAs of Taraba State (2007-2013). The major objective of the study is to assess the contribution of Millennium Development Goal I on poverty reduction, to identify and discuss the implementation strategies of MDG I on poverty reduction in Wukari and Ibi local government areas of Taraba State via vocational skills training and farmer‟s empowerment.
The population for the study comprises of the MDG staff members in Taraba state, desk officers, beneficiaries of MDG I vocational skills training and beneficiaries of MDG I farmers‟ empowerment in Wukari and Ibi local government areas of Taraba State. The study adopts Krejcie and Morgan ladder template method of determining sample size. The evaluation theory by Suchman (1967) was used to provide the frame work of MDG I in design, performance efficiency, implementation and impact on poverty reduction in Wukari and Ibi LGAs of Taraba state. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and structured interview.
The study establishes that MDG I has not adequately engaged people in the vocational skill that would generate income and reduce poverty, the farmers were not adequately supported to boost production, increase income, eradicate poverty and reduce hunger because of inadequate funding and corruption.
The study recommends that the Taraba state government and MDGs coordinating organization should focus on training and empowerment in vocational skills, adequate farmers‟ empowerment, food processing and packaging, and loan should be given to the beneficiaries after training to start up business.