Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
Despite the numerous contributions of urbanization to development it creates challenges for both government and people living in urban communities. Shortfalls of finance to build urban infrastructure is especially a major problem accounting for the growing relevance of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) as providers of basic infrastructure and services in many sub-Saharan cities. However, in spite continued infrastructure deficits in areas of operations of the CBOs, assessments have always highlighted insufficient finance and technical issues as major challenges and often brought forth impressive results about these emerging urban self-help groups.Hence, the search for addressing infrastructure deficit has prompted the need to investigate the determinants of CBO activity outcomes in order to establish their potentials and limits. This study assessed the participatory outcomes of CBOs‘ activities in the development of Minna. Its objectives were achieved through detailed analysis of the communal activities of residential self-help organizations in Minna. Using both descriptive and inferential statistics, analysis of field results revealed that failure to accomplish urban development projects by CBOs in Minna is not only due to inadequate finance. Field data analyses using descriptive statistics showed that the adequacy of technical and managerial personnel, nature of collaboration and assistance from other interest groups including the beneficiaries and urban authorities, determine the types and frequencies of CBO projects. Inferential statistical tools like Students‘ t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson‘s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Residents‘ Satisfaction Index (RSI) revealed that factors of organizational skills, adopted project selection and funding procedures, and the coordination of voluntary labour are prominent factors that determinethe success or otherwise of projects of CBOs in Minna. In addition to assisting in achieving the objectives of the research, RSI for example, helped in informing the recommendation of the specific urban development projects that are within the capacities of the CBOs and those government authorities and other urban development partners should seek their collaboration. At present, CBOs never received any assistance from or carry out any activity with active collaboration with the government or her agencies. Shortage of finance is due to the organizations‘ inability to diligently source funding from members and beneficiary communities. Avenues that are key to increasing successful endeavours of CBOs in urban development were highlighted alongside the sensitivity of the same variables to the apparent physical and socio-economic conditions operating at varying length in burgeoning settlements of developing countries. Keywords: CBOs, resource generation, infrastructure delivery, urban welfare, urban management.
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