Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The importance of Plans implementation in the planning process cannot be overemphasized. This is because, without effective implementation of plans, such plans will be as good as no plans at all. This brought about the study. The study aimed at assessing the implementation of Bwari Master Plan with the view to determining the level of achievement of the implementation of the plan. The study adopted Kerg model as an analytical technique and criteria for the assessment of the implementation of the Master Plan?s proposals. The model uses weight ranking criteria of 0%, 01-19%, 20-39%, 40-59% and 60% and above. The ranking value of 0% of any proposal represents no implementation of the proposal while proposal with ranking values of 01-19%, 20-39%, 40-59% and 60% and above represent weak, low, fair and full levels implementation of the proposal. At the end of the assessment, it was established that the implementation of the plan is weak considering the current implementation phase of the plan. The study also established that out of 31,512 cumulative number of land use elements proposed for development in the study area only 58.43% of the cumulative number of the land use elements have been implemented and with the 58.43% of the overall land use implemented, the land uses only covers 17.02% of the total land area proposed for implementation of the land uses which signifies the weak level of implementation of the land uses of the plan. Based on these established facts, the following recommendations were given to ensure an improvement in the implementation process of the plan. They includes the review of the proposals of the plan, the review of the strategies use in the implementation of the plan, adhering to Required Planning Standards for the Development of the Proposals, the introduction of Conscious Planning Regulation in the Development of Indigenous/organic Areas of the Urban Area,none Partisan politics in the Land Use implementation of the Urban Area and conscious improvement in Budgetary allocation for the Development of the Urban Area.
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Chapter (1 to 5) for clarity and depth.
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