Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The development of glazes in the Nigeria is a challenging issue to the ceramic industry and has resulted in the dependence on imported glazes, which is not easy for the ceramic industries and the ceramists. This has become necessary therefore, to explore the possibility of low-temperature glazes using locally sourced raw materials for ceramic production in the Country. The objectives of the study are to: identity and source, for ceramic raw materials in Benue State for, the formulationof low- temperature glazes; carry out chemical analysisof the selected raw materials, formulate low-temperature glazes using locally sourced materials for ceramic production and test; and evaluate the effect of the formulated glazes on ceramic wares. Data collection for thestudy was from the primary and secondary sources. Dogo Red Clay, Groundnut Shells and Locust Beans Wood were sourced for, fromwithin the area of study; while experimental research design was adopted for the study. The experiments carried out were analysed and discussed. Various stages conducted were documented and their discussions are presented. Among the findings of the study; the chemical analysis carried out shows that the major element found in Dogo Red Clay is iron oxide Fe203which acts as flux in bodies and glazes at high temperature. Groundnut Shells Ash and Locust Beans Wood Ashcontain potassium oxide (K2O) and calcium oxide(CaO) which acts as flux to lower the melting temperatures from 1200°C down to 900°C. Thelow-temperature glazes formulated using locally sourced raw materials shows that tri-axial blend tested fails to meet the desire to produce low-temperature glaze, the lineblend was successful in achieving low-temperature glazes. The study found that there is a similarity in the temperature range of between 900°c ,100°cand 1100°c, indicating varying shades of black, dark brown, yellow, lemon green, while at 1160°c the reddish colour was found. The study recommends that, the Dogo Red Clay should be tested on other bodies with other fluxes to set different effect of colour. Also, there is need to carry out further studies using Dogo Red Clay for the development high temperature glazes. Through this study, it is observed that this research was able to establish that the Dogo Red Clay, Groundnut Shells Ash and Locust Beans Wood Ash, line blend at 900%, 1000%, 1100% and 1160% was successful for use on ceramic wares. This research was able to fire at low – temperature range of 900%, 1000%,1100% and 1160% to achieved diverse colourationof glossy, some reddish, black, yellowish brown, dark with gold and purple colour.
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