ABSTRACTThis study was under taken to assess the effects of International Centre for Bio-saline Agriculture project activities on the level of living of Farmers in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The data used for this study were collected through the use of questionnaire administered to 171 respondents selected randomly from seven villages within the State. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the data. The results of the study revealed that the mean age of the participants was 39 years, while the non-participants mean age was 33 years. The mean household size of the participants is 9 people, while that of the non-participants is 8 people. The study further revealed 30% of the participants and 45% of the non- participants were able to secure secondary school education. The result of the study further depicted that majority (73%) of the participants had contact with the extension agents, while only 15% of the non-participants had contact with the extension agents. The study found out that majority (53%) of the participants had access to credit, while only 21% of the non-participants had access to credit. The study found that 48% of the participants had an income of N500, 000:00 and above, while about 31% of the non-participants fall in that category. Only about 13% of the participants had an income up to N100, 000:00 about 32% of the non-participants falls within same category. The analysis of the study depicted that about 88%, 85%, 83%, 82%, 80% and 80% of the participating farmers were engaged in field days, agricultural marketing, post harvest and storage, exchange visits, crop protection and livestock production activities respectively. The analysis on effects of ICBA activities on yield indicates that the calculated Z-value (1.822) was greater than the tabulated Z-value (1.64) one tail, significant at 5% probability level. This implies that, participation in ICBA activities had significant influence on yield of the farmers. The result on effects of ICBA activities on income also found out that the calculated Z- value (3.542) was greater than the tabulated Z-value (1.64) one tail, significant at 5% probability level. This implies that, participation in ICBA activities had significant influence on income of the farmers. Furthermore, the analysis on effects of ICBA activities on level of living revealed that the Z calculated (3.46) was greater than the table Z -value (1.64) one tail, significant at 5% level of probability. This implies that, participation in ICBA activities has significant influence on the farmers‟ level of living. The study found out that poor market especially glut in tomato and pepper marketing, high cost of Irish potato planting materials, non availability of improved pepper seeds and inadequate finance were the constraint identified against effective participation of farmers in ICBA activities in the study area. The study concluded that participation in ICBA project activities had increased the yield, income and level of living of the participating farmers within the study area more than the non-participants. It was therefore recommended that the farmers should organize themselves and set up a cottage industry for processing tomato and pepper to address the issue of poor marketing especially during glut period. Subsequently, the attention of the relevant authority such as local government or State government should be sought by the project officials for a major processing plant for the community.