This disertation covered the inventory management in manufacturing industries: A case study of Zaria Pharmaceutical Company Limited. Interviews were conducted to obtain the data meeded which was complemented with taking a closer look at the records maintained by the company.
The essence is to excrminc to what extent the manufacturing industries have been applying inventory management techniques and how it worked in practical terms. It was also geared towards providing suggestions that will be of help to the company in improving the effective management
of her inventories. Some Inventory management techniques like fore-casting methods, inventory control systems were exermined. The findings revealed that no Scientific methods of Inventory management has actually been put in practice but rather these has been more of the use of the rule of thumb in the management of her inventories.
The firm is faced with some problems which to a great extent affects their ability to effectively utilize the scicnctific methods and these includes, the general state of the economy, foreign exchange problems.
As a result, I recommended the adoption of simple inventory models to minimise carrying and ordering costs, provision of adequate transportation of the stock and a careful analysis of cost especially the human and mechanical efforts