Most public and private workers in Nigeria have always faced the problem of housing either during service or after retirement. This is because the mechanism put in place by the government for tackling the problem has not live to their expectations. From the inability of Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria to give out sufficient loans to workers for their housing needs to the low performance of National Housing Fund (NHF) which was established in 1992. Still the problem of housing revolves among public and private workers in the country despite deductions from workers salary for the scheme because workers are unable to assess the fund for their housing projects. The main objective of this research work is to assess the
contributions of the Cooperative Society (CS) in funding housing finance to workers in Zaria metropolis, Nigeria. Survey method was adopted in collecting the relevant data through the distribution of questionnaires to 349 cooperators of the five higher institutions in Zaria
metropolis. After validation of the instruments, 94 were invalid, hence, 250 instruments were used for the analysis. Descriptive analysis, chi-square 2 test, content analysis and Cooperator Satisfaction Index (CSI) were used for analyzing the collected data. It was found that CS has significant effect in providing housing finance to workers of higher institutions in Zaria Metropolis. CS and NHF were compared in terms of interest rate, affordability,
transaction cost, availability and collateral using CSI and it was found that cooperators prefer CS compared to NHF as a source of housing finance. Hence, cooperators’ level of satisfaction on CS compared to NHF is higher. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that the role CS is playing in funding housing finance to workers in Zaria metropolis is substantially adequate. The study therefore recommends that Government should recognize the role of, CS when formulating National Housing Policy for a combine effect also CS should find other sources of generating funds for members other than relying on members monthly savings and sales of form.