Dispute is a haste characteristic of every society. There is no society that exists without conflicts. In (he same vein trade unions encounter conflicts in their work environment which is referred to as trade disputes. Nigerian laws have provided legal, institutional and administrative mechanisms for the resolution of trade disputes. The Trade Disputes
Act for example, provides processes for settlement of trade disputes in Nigeria. The Study investigated reasons why disputes keep recurring despite the available mechanisms in resolving trade dispute. The study was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Industrial Relations Mechanisms in trade dispute settlement. This study
also determined the extent to which the parties it dispute (ASSU and Management) abide by the process of trade dispute settlement and their level of compliance with collective agreement reached in (ABU), Zaria. Data for the study were generated from primary and secondary sources. The instrument of primary data utilized includes questionnaires and interview methods; secondary sources include published and unpublished materials. The instruments of primary data were utilized on the respondents to lest the two hypotheses formulated, qualitative and quantitative methods of data analyses were also used in the study with more emphasis on the quantitative method using the highest means score statistical tool to test the hypotheses.
The study reveals that industrial relations mechanism process promotes industrial harmony in ABU, Zaria. Besides, the study reveals that breach of collective agreement leads to trade disputes in ABU, Zaria. The study recommended that industrial relations mechanism process as stipulated in Trade Dispute Act should be strictly adhered to as it promote industrial harmony. Also, collective agreement reached by the actors during
their round table discussion or collective bargaining process should be comply with by all the parties involved as it was the outcome of their round table discussion which both parties actively participated on.