Introduction 1
11 Web-based applications 1
12 Research Methodology 2
13 Project aims 5
14 Project Objectives 5
Literature review
21 Introduction 7
22 Overview of Web-based application 7
23 Review of Web technologies 9
231 Web 10 9
232 Web 20 9
233 Mobile Web 10
234 The semantic Web 10
235 Rich internet application 10
236 Client/server architecture 10
237 Distributed computing systems 11
238 HTML 12
239 HTTP 12
2310 XML 14
2311 JavaScript 15
2312 CGI 15
2313 PHP 16
2314 MIME 17
24 Web application development platforms 17
241 Ajax 17
242 Adobe flex 17
243 Apex 18
244 ASPNET 18
245 Windows 19
25 Design issues for Web application development 19
2 51 Navigation 20
252 Functionality 20
253 Interface and presentation 20
26 Design process 21
261 Model representation 21
262 Implementation 21
263 Evolution and maintenance 22
27 Web-based system development and challenges 22
28 Summary 23
Project planning
31 Introduction 24
32 Methodology and technique 24
33 Requirement specification 25
34 Requirement collection 26
35 Application design 27
36 Defining the business process 27
37 Defining the business objects 27
38 Modelling the database 29
39 Establishing relationships 29
310 Architecture design 30
311 Implementation 30
312 Testing and evaluation 30
3121 Functional testing 31
313 Summary 31
Application design
41 Introduction 32
42 Application requirements 32
43 User groups 32
44 Functional requirement 33
45 Student functional requirements 34
46 Tutors functional requirement 34
47 Program leader functional requirement 35
48 Administration functional requirement 36
49 Page mock-ups requirements 37
410 Designing the database objects 37
411 Defining the application objects 37
412 Application pages design 48
Application implementation and testing
51 Introduction 52
52 Creating object in object browser 52
53 Table features 52
54 Populating the table 53
55 Building a basic user interface 54
56 Creating the application in application builder 54
561 Secure login page 55
562 Form pages 56
563 Report pages 56
564 Navigation links 57
565 Developer links 57
57 Creating the Application users 57
58 Application security 58
59 Application testing 59
591 Testing the Application security 59
592 Information retrieval using report page 61
593 Information retrieval using SQL 62
594 Testing Application update 62
Conclusion and evaluation
61 Evaluation 63
62 Conclusion 64
63 Future work 65
References 66
Appendix A Project Gantt charts 68
Appendix B Application login details 70