

Presented To

Department of Computer Science

Airline reservation and ticketing in a commercial airline company is a project work aimed at creating a system that will enable traveler’s book their flight by making reservations. As the world is turning into a global village with almost every aspect of human endavour getting computerized, the aviation industries management is looking forward to making available their flight reservations online.
This project research involves the design and implementation of an airline reservations aimed at overcoming the undesirable problem associated with the manual system. Here, we design a computer program that will
__ Replace the existing manual system. __Enable travelers to make flight reservation
In this project, the implementation of the computerized system will be carried out using Php-Mysql.
1.1            Background of the Study
Throughout commercial airline history, the timely movement of aircraft, passengers and cargo has required the even more timely movement of information. This was never truer than today, where information has become not just an operational tool, but a competitive weapon. To capitalize on this information, the technological revolution and the information society have brought us a dazzling set of capabilities. But, they have also brought us a bewildering array of options for services, costs, methods and products. Many managers find themselves faced with too much of a good thing, too many alternatives. But, airline today means business. Commerce and tourism are the engines of economic development in today's world. In Airline industry, Airlines, airports, and even governments are competing against each other for travel related income. Staying in front means making investments in enhanced customer service tools, improved management awareness, quicker access to operational information, etc.
All of the technology and service options, and the need to make rapid, well informed decisions, means that many organizations are finding it increasingly difficult, and expensive, to find and retain staff to meet the demands.

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