The Internet today is commonly used as a medium to share large size multimedia
content. This sharing is carried out, a number of times, through the Peer to Peer
sharing architecture rather than the conventional server-client model. The paucity
of network addresses in the Internet has led to the emergence of private and global
networks. Because the identity of peers in a private network remains hidden behind
their global endpoint, P2P applications cannot run between two peers in separate
private networks. Techniques such as hole-punching require the use of a centralized
entity which serves as a bottleneck to the P2P application.
We have proposed a hierarchical P2P network of private and global networks. Here, the
lower tier is formed by the peers in each private network, while the upper tier is formed
by the global endpoints (called proxies) of each of these private networks. We have
designed a new file sharing protocol, FTPNP, between these proxies which preserves
the identities of the actual endpoints of the file transfer, present in separate private
networks. We have also created a Credit Management System in order to ensure fairness
and incentive to share in the designed hierarchical P2P system. We have implemented
all the above proposed features and tested them to ensure the preservation of the
essential features of a P2P network.
1 Introduction 1
11 Peer to Peer Content Distribution Networks (P2P CDN) 1
12 Characteristic features of P2P CDNs 3
13 BitTorrent: P2P file sharing protocol 4
14 Private and Global Networks
15 An Overview of the Thesis 8
16 Organization of the Thesis 8
2 Literature Survey 10
21 Hierarchical Networks 10
211 Unstructured P2P Networks 11
212 Structured P2P Networks 13
22 Hole Punching: Overcoming NATs 14
23 Motivation 16
3 Proposed Model: Usage of Proxies 18
31 Challenges 18
32 System Model Assumptions and Configuration 19
33 System Design and Architecture 20
331 Private P2P network 20
3311 BitTorrent Clients 20
3312 BitTorrent Tracker 21
34 Global P2P Network of Proxies 23
341 Peers 23
342 FTPNP - File Transfer Protocol for Network of Proxies 23
3421 Packet Architecture of FTPNP 25
3422 Communication Protocol Specification 26
35 Credit Management System 32
351 Design Issues 32
352 Components of the Credit Management System 34
36 Working of the Hierarchical P2P Network 36
361 File Sharing 36
362 File Download 38
3621 Requested file is in the same private network 38
3622 Requested file is in another private network 38
37 Components of the proxy 42
38 Features of the Hierarchical P2P Network 44
4 Implementation and Results 46
41 Private P2P Network 46
42 Global P2P Network of Proxies 47
43 File Transfer across two Private Networks 48
431 Setup Topology 48
432 Test Details 48
44 Credit Management System 49
441 Test Details 49
442 Results and Inferences 50
4421 Single Peer Case 50
4422 Two Peer Case 51
5 Conclusion and Future Work 60
List of Figures
11 Server-client architecture and Content Distribution Network 2
12 The Peer to Peer (P2P) architecture 3
13 Working of the BitTorrent protocol 6
14 The global and private IP address domains 7
31 The proposed hierarchical P2P network comprising private networks and
proxies 21
32 High level overview of the steps in the FTPNP 24
33 Fields in a FTPNP packet 25
34 Sequence of control and data messages in FTPNP 27
35 Algorithm to share a file 37
36 (a)The structure of the Credit Records at each Proxy (b)The updation
of credit records when file transfer occurs between two proxies 41
37 Downloading a file not present in the same private network 42
38 Components of the proxy 43
41 Experimental testbed 48
42 Download time for the desired file vs size of content shared 51
43 Download time for the desired file vs size of content shared 52
44 Dependence of the time to download a file on the size of the content
shared 54
45 Dependence of the time to download a file on the size of the content
shared 55