

Presented To

Department of English and Linguistics


This research evaluates the current BLE 2052 English for Hospitality Purposes (EHP) course, which is one of the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses offered in University Utara Malaysia (UUM) in the Faculty of Communication and Modern Languages. The aim of this study is to investigate  the current language needs of the students and to determine whether the course meets  the actual needs of the hospitality management students in terms of course objectives,  course content, teaching and learning materials, teaching methodology, time allocation and evaluation system. This study involves four teachers and sixty students of UUM and relied on data gathered from three different sets of questionnaires and interviews. The valuable data gathered 
from the questionnaire were described in terms of frequency counts and percentage and presented using tables and charts while data collected from the interview was analyzed and summarized in a descriptive manner. The findings revealed that there are some minor weaknesses in the EHP course in terms of course content, usage of materials and teaching methodology as identified by the respondents. It was found that there is a gap between the skills taught in the course and the skills required in the hospitality industry. Secondly, the students lack confidence in using appropriately the language even after having  completed the EHP course. The findings therefore indicate the need to revise some aspects of the course based on the current needs of the students as well as the needs of the industry. These would enable the students to be well equipped with the necessary skills needed to function effectively in the hospitality industry.
TITLE           i 
ABSTRACT          iii 
ABSTRAK          iv 
LIST OF FIGURES         xiii 
LIST OF TABLES         xvi 
11 Introduction          1 
12  BLE 2052 English for Hospitality Purposes Course Description   2 
13 Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)      4 
14 Statement of Problem         6 
15 Objectives of the Study        7 
16 Research Questions         8 
17 Significance of the Study        9 
18 Limitations of the Study         10 
19 Data Collection         10 
110 Data Analysis         11 
111 Conclusion          11 

21  Introduction          12 
22 Curriculum Evaluation        13 
23 Definitions of Curriculum Evaluation     14 
24 Purpose of Curriculum Evaluation       16 
25 Approaches to Curriculum Evaluation       17 
26 Types of Curriculum Evaluation       18 
261 Formative versus Summative       18 
262 Product versus Process       21 
263 Quantitative versus Qualitative      21 
27 English for Specific Purposes (ESP)      22 
28 English for Academic Purposes (EAP)      24 
29 English for Occupational Purposes (EOP)      25 
210 Needs Analysis         26 
211 Curriculum Design and Syllabus       28 
212 Stages of Curriculum Design        29 
213 Review of related studies        33 
214  Conclusion         37 
31 Introduction          38 
32 Pilot study          38 
33 The Respondents         39 
331 The Students          40 
332 The Teachers         41 
34  Instrumentation         41 
341 Questionnaire         42 
3411 Third Year First Semester Students’ Questionnaire   42  
3412 Fourth Year First Semester Students’ Questionnaire  44 
3413 Teachers’ Questionnaire      46 
3 42  Interview         48 
35 Data Analysis          48 
36  Conclusion          49 
41  Introduction          50 
42  Analysis of Third Year First Semester Students’ Questionnaire   51 
421    Educational Background Information of the Students   51 
422  Analysis of the English for Hospitality Purposes (EHP) Grades  53 
423  Frequency Usage of Language      53 
424  Proficiency Level of English Language     54 
425  Students’ Needs             55 
426  Course Objectives        57 
427 Course Content        59 
428  Teaching and Learning Materials      61 
429 Teaching Methodology       63 
4210 Time Allocation        64 
4211 Evaluation System        65 
4212 Problems Encountered       66 
4213 Overall Perception        69 
43      Analysis of Fourth Year First Semester Students’ Questionnaire   70 
431    Educational and Background Information of the Students   71 
432    Job Needs in relation to English Language     74 
            433    Usefulness of the EHP Course       79 
            434    Problems Encountered in the EHP Course     81 
 435    Problems Encountered during Practicum      83 
44 Analysis of the Teachers’ Questionnaire       83 
441 General and Educational Background Information of the Teachers  84 
            442    Students’ Needs        86 
            443   Course Objectives        87 
            444    Course Content        88 
            445    Teaching and Learning Materials      90 
            446    Teaching Methodology       92 
            447    Time Allocation         93 
            448    Evaluation System         95 
            449    Problems Encountered       96 
            4410  Overall Perceptions        99 
45      Conclusion         100 
CHAPTER 5             : CONCLUSION 
51 Introduction          102 
52 Findings          102 
521  Research Question One       103 
5211 Course Objectives       103 
5212 Course Content        104 
5213 Teaching and Learning Materials     105 
5214 Teaching Methodology       106 
5215 Time Allocation       106 
5216 Evaluation System        107 
522  Research Question Two       108 
53 Implications          110 
531 Research Question One       110 
531  Research Question Two       111 
54  Recommendations         112 
541  Course Objectives        113 
542  Course Content        113 
543  Teaching and Learning Materials      114 
544  Teaching Methodology       115 
545  Time Allocation        115 
546  Evaluation System        116 
547  Students’ Needs and Lacks       116 
55 Recommendation for further research      117 
56 Conclusion          119 
REFERENCES         121 
 APPENDIX A  - Letter Requiring Permission to Conduct the Research from Vice Chancellor of UUM  
APPENDIX B - Letter Requiring Permission from the Dean of Faculty of Communication and Modern Languages, UUM 
 APPENDIX C - Letter Requiring Permission from the Dean of Faculty of Tourism Management and Hospitality, UUM 
 APPENDIX D - Teachers’ Questionnaire 
APPENDIX E  - Third Year First Semester Students’ Questionnaire 
 APPENDIX F  - Fourth Year First Semester Students’ Questionnaire 
 APPENDIX G - Teachers’ Interview Questions 
 APPENDIX H  - Third Year First Semester Students’ Interview Questions 
 APPENDIX I  - Fourth Year First Semester Students’ Interview Questions

Figure 21   - Tyler’s Objective Model       30 
Figure 22   - Taylor’s Interaction Model of Curriculum Development   31 

Table 41    - Analysis of the SPM English Language Grades    51 
Table 42    - Analysis of the MUET English Language Grades    52 
Table 43    - Analysis of the BLE 2052 English for Hospitality Purposes  Grades  53 
Table 44    - Analysis of Usage of English Language     53 
Table 45    - Analysis of the Students’ Proficiency Level     54 
Table 46    - Analysis of the Perceptions about the Students’ Needs   55 
Table 47    -  Analysis of the Suggestions about the Students’ Needs   56 
Table 48    - Analysis of the Suggestions about the Basic Skills    56 
Table 49    - Analysis of the Perceptions about the Course Objectives   57 
Table 410  - Analysis of the Suggestions about the Course Objectives   58 
Table 411  -  Analysis of the Perceptions about the Course Content   59 
Table 412  -  Analysis of the Suggestions about the Course Content   60 
Table 413  -  Analysis of the Perceptions about the Materials Used   61 
Table 414  -  Analysis of Suggestions about the Use of Materials and  Guidebook  62 
Table 415  -  Analysis of the Perceptions about the Teaching Methods   63 
Table 416  -  Analysis of the Suggestions about the Teaching Methods   63 
Table 417  -  Analysis of the Perceptions about the Time Allocation    64 
Table 418  -  Analysis of the Suggestions for Weekly Teaching Periods   65 
Table 419  -  Analysis of the Perceptions about the Evaluation System   65 
Table 420  -  Analysis of the Perceptions about the Problems Faced    66 
Table 421  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about the Problems Faced   68 
Table 422  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about the EHP Course as whole   69 
Table 423  -     Analysis of the SPM English Language Grades    71 
Table 424 -     Analysis of the MUET English Language Grades    71 
Table 425  -     Analysis of the BLE 2052 English for Hospitality Purposes Grades 72 
Table 426  -     Analysis of the Students’ Proficiency Level of Language   73 
Table 427  -     Analysis of the Medium of Language Used at Workplace   74 
Table 428  -     Analysis of Proficiency Level of English Used at Workplace  75 
Table 429  -     Analysis of the Frequency of the Usage of Language at   Workplace   75 
Table 430 -     Analysis of the Required Proficiency Level of English in the  Industry 76 
Table 431 -     Analysis of the Usage of English Emphasized at Workplace  77 
Table 432  -     Tasks Performed at Workplace that required English Language  78 
Table 433  -     Analysis of the Usefulness of the EHP Course as a Whole   79 
Table 434  -     Analysis of the Suggestions in Improving the Course as a Whole  80 
Table 435  -     Analysis of Academic Qualification     84 
Table 436  -  Analysis of Professional Qualification     84 
Table 437  -    Analysis of Teaching Experience       85 
Table 438 -     Analysis of Experience in Teaching EHP Course    85 
Table 439  -     Analysis of the ESP Training Courses attended    85 
Table 440  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about Students’ Needs    86 
Table 441  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about Course Objectives   87 
Table 442  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about Course Objectives   87 
Table 443  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about Course Content    88 
Table 444  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about Course Content    89 
Table 445  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about the Materials    90 
Table 446  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about Materials    91 
Table 447  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about the Most Effective Materials  91 
Table 448  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about Teaching Methods   92 
Table 449  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about Teaching Methods   93 
Table 450  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about Time Allocation    93 
Table 451  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about Time Allocation   94 
Table 452  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about Evaluation System   95 
Table 453  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about Evaluation System   95 
Table 454  -    Analysis of the Perceptions about Problems Encountered   96 
Table 455  -     Analysis of the Suggestions about the Problems Encountered  98 
Table 456  -     Analysis of the Perceptions about the Course as a whole   99 

BA - Bachelor of Arts 
BEd - Bachelor of Education 
BSc - Bachelor of Science 
ECP - English for Commercial Purposes 
EHP - English for Hospitality Purposes 
ELT - English Language Teaching 
ESP - English for Specific Purposes 
Freq - Frequency 
ICT - Information and Communication Technology 
MA - Master of Arts 
MEd - Master of Education 
MSc - Master of Science 
MSC - Multimedia Super Corridor 
MUET - Malaysian University English Test 
N - Neutral 
% - Percentage 
PhD - Philosophy Doctor 
SA/A - Strongly Agree or Agree 
SD/D - Strongly Disagree or Disagree 
SPM - Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia 
UKM - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 
UUM - Universiti Utara Malaysia 

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