This project work is channeled towards studying how to organize a viable co-operative society. It specifically dealt with motives for joining co-operative society, factors affecting the formation of co-operative society and Ten steps in organizing a viable Co-operative Society.
Co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a joint owned and democratically controlled enterprise.
Organizing a viable co-operative societies enables the society to last long and function effectively and efficiently. Co-operative itself started from creation. In fact, co-operative is as old as man. One Igbo-man has a proverb which buttress this more, â€�“when a man is in difficulty, he seeks for help from another but when animal is, she cannot turn to another.â€Â�
Title Page I
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Statement of Research Problem
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 Background of the Study
1.4 Theoretical Foundation of the Study
1.5 Research Question
1.6 Limitation of the Study
1.7 Significant of Study
2.1 Who is a Co-operator?
2.2 What is a Co-operative and Value?
2.3 What is a co-operative society?
2.4 Co-operative values
2.5 Types of Co-operative Societies
2.6 Consumer Co-operative
2.7 Agricultural Co-operative
2.8 Productive/Producer Co-operative
2.9 Classification of Co-operatives Societies
4.1 According to Functions
4.2 According to the Economic status of members of the Society.
4.3 According to the sector of the Economy in which the societies are engaged.
4.4 According to the number of function carried out by the societies.
4.5 According to the level of operation of the societies.
4.6 According to the area of operation
4.7 According to the legal status of societies
4.8 According to the liability of the members on liquidation of the societies.
4.9 According to the level of integration or the functional link between the members enterprises or households and the co-operative enterprises.
4.10 According to the degree of autonomy
4.11 According to the sex of members
4.12 According to the envisaged duration of the societies
4.13 According to the size of the societies
4.14 According to the functional state of the societies
4.15 According to the nature of goods produce
2.5 Structure of co-operative societies
5.1 Primary Co-operative Societies
5.2 Secondary co-operative societies
5.3 Tertiary co-operative societies
5.4 Co-operative management structure
5.5 Tools of control
2.6 Principle of co-operation
2.7 Motives for joining or forming co-operatives
7.1 Economic motives
7.2 Sociological/Emotional motives
7.3 External Pressure
2.8 Factors which influence the formation of co-operative
2.9 Ten steps of organizing a viable co-operative societies
3.0 Research methods and procedures
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sampling
3.3 Description of the Research Instrument
3.4 Method of Communication of the Research
3.5 Field work
4.0 Data presentation and Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data presentation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Finding
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Reference