Ever since man discovered the computer and hence computer science, attempt have been made to computerize every facet of human life.
This project work experts the issue of designing and implementing a state civil payroll accounting system which inherent advantages (speed and accuracy over the more tedious inefficient and time consuming manual system.
This system encountered the following problems. Late receipt of raw data each month. Regular break down of the accountant machine presently used for data processing, irregular power supply, many errors resulting from the manual methods of data processing and the office caused by bulky files and constant complaints for errors from the workers. Consequently a computerized payroll accounting system when designed to take care of the above problems.
Title page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Abstract v
Organization of the work vi
Table of content vii
1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Problems definition and analysis 2
1.3 Objectives of the study 2
1.4 Scope of study 3
1.5 Limitations 3
1.6 Assumption 4
1.7 Definition of terms. 4
CHAPTER TWO2.1 Literature Review 6
CHAPTER THREE3.1 Descriptions and analysis of the existing system 9
3.2 Methods of fact finding 9
3.3 He organizational structure 11
3.4 Objective of the existing system 11
3.5 Input, process and output analysis 12
3.6 Problem of the existing system 14
3.7 Justification for the new system. 15
CHAPTER FOUR 4.1 Software designing and implementation. 16
4.2 Output specification and design 17
4.3 Input specification and design 18
4.4 File design 20
4.5 System requirement 21
CHAPTER FIVE5.1 Implementation 23
5.2 Program design 23
CHAPTER SIX6.1 Documentation 25
6.2 Identification 25
6.3 User information 26
CHAPTER SEVEN 7.1 Recommendation 27
7.2 Conclusion 27
Reference 29