Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The studys is concerned with children's response to bill - boards adverts as a means of communicating to children on program-mes such as self - reliant campaign, and to find out if bill - boards adverts could be used effectively when stylized for futures program-mes. The objectives sarees to find out: i . Whether child rennin primary schools take cognizance of the content of the bill - boards . . If the bill - board can be used to communicate idea to primary school pupils using pictures story . iii. HOW primary school pupils react to picture story on bill-board. iv. Determine the degree of success of bill-board campaign with school pupils using picture story. The information gathered from the review of literature helped the researcher to identify that, visual communication means a dynamic ability to express a difference and acting in accordance with the image given to the mind as regards it strength, qualities, a feeling about nature and an attempt to copy the most interesting part of behavior which is common. This is well ascertained by St-reward (1977) Rarlund (1962), Munn (1951) who hold that communication is continuous method comparable with discriminating, differentiating and observing the impression received through senses. The review also gave enough information as regards the essential theoretical factors one has to consider in formulating and ..designing communication strategy. The effects of these theories in the review are well supported by McGuire (1973), Howard-Sheath (1969), Akolo (1989) and Larzarsfeld, et al (1955), who hold that for effective communication, one should consider the essential process that assumes a chain of cognitive, affective and co-native stages through which the receiver (of communication) passes. This component and behavioural steps provide a very useful framework for evaluating the efficacy communication campaign, as well as for designing persuasive communication. quasi-Experimental approach was used for* data collection in this study. A questionnaire was administered for per-test based on the subjects previous knowledge and attitude towards bill-boards. Ten carefully selected behavioral items were asked. The post-test was based on the subjects cognition of the stimulus treatment exposed to them. Then followed by forty-four per-selected attitudinal variables. The results obtained from the investigation states the following findings: i. From the analysis of the per-test raw scores for both groups, in the three zones, the comparability of the experimental and control subjects was statistical ascertained. In other words, there was no significant difference in the per-test. This was expected since subjects in both groups were randomly assigned to their respective group. ii. Results obtained from the post-test raw scores shows that there was no significant difference. ix iii. Results which compares the per-test/post- test gain scores for both groups in the three zones were shown to be statistically significant. In Kaduna zone, shows that both the experimental group and control group are statistically significant. In the other two zones namely: Zaria and Saminaka were not statistically significant. iv. Results obtained which compares the cognitive outcome revealed that the experimental subjects groups actualized their cognitive outcome in one zone namely Saminaka. Results obtained on the pattern of affective out come also shows that Kaduna and Zaria did not actualized the affective outcome which was significant in Saminaka zone. v. Results obtained from the comparison for both groups in the three zones on the co-native pattern shows that only Saminaka zone was unable to actualize the co-native outcome whereas the other two zones showed statistically significant response at 0.100 confidence level.
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