Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The rapid growth of urban centres in dovoloping countries and Nigeria in particular has resulted in spatial expansion of those urban centres therebycreating the sprawling of urban fringes. These urban fringes or urban peripheral settlements grow haphazardly due to lack of development control by the planning authorities concerned, thereby resulting into all sort of landuses with inadequate provision of urban facilities, utilities and services. Kano is one of the urban centres in Nigeria that has experienced such tremendous growth most of which, for a number of reasons is accomodated in the periphery. The genesis of large scale urban peripheral growth in Kano metropolis can be traced from the colonial period, when the development policy emphasized the location of administrative and other developments within wide spread areas of the metropolis. Compounding the issue, is the high rate of migration from rural areas and from other parts of the country to Kano in which made it to be the largest commercial centre in Northern Nigeria. The aim of this work is to study the processes, factors and patterns of peripheral growth in Kano Metropolis and the x>hysical planning problems arising as a result of such growth and with a view to proposing strategies for an orderly development. The Kano Urban peripheral area was identified by using parameters of development continuity, building conditions and availability of utilities an' services. However, the peripheral area of Kano Metropolis is large an-' for this study, on the basis of those parameters within it, six areas have been chosen using the spatial approach technique for closer examination of the issues at stake. Physical characteristics of the study area such as landuse, circulation, building layout, building conditions, environmental sanitation as well as the provision of utilitis and services were studied. Also socio-economic conditions like ethnic composition, house size, occupational pattern, educational status, house ownership, monthly income level as well as recreation and socialization were discussed. A number of physical planning problems such as physical, socio-economic, administrative and actual planning relating to the uncontrolled peripheral growth of Kano have been identified9 Having identified these problems, proposals were made with a view to promote an orderly development of these areas. Among the proposals are the physical planning solutions to the existing situation. The strategy proposed in this case is intergration and regrouping, and the other part of the proposal was interns of policy recommendations which serve as preventive measures to stop re-occurance of such situation. Finally, general implementation policies have been specified. A workable administrative framework and organisational structure for effective monitoring and development control were suggested.
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