Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
The problem this study is concerned with, is the fact that in the Nigerian Army of today, there are so many badges and insignia in existence which are poorly designed, some have no enough basic aesthetic values which are inherent in good designs some even have inscriptions in foreign languages on them! Furthermore, the quick and very effective communication which these badges are supposed to accomplish in the Army, is either totally missing or in low key, in some of them. The purpose of the study is to evaluate some badges in existence in the Nigerian Army, with the view of finding out how the aims for which they are made, are met and in wha t degree. The summative evaluation method was used in this study. The yardstick with which the badges under consideration were measured, is the basic, universally accepted principles and elements of design. The presence and the proportion in which the elements are combined In the design of the badges, were also considered in the evaluation. The researcher did not take the badges under consideration out for public evaluation, because the basic principles of design can be well perceived by only highly trained or artistic eyes. Being a 'bornartist. and also a highly trained graphic artist, the researcher used the basic p r i n c i p l e s and elements as considerations in the evaluation of the badges. From the analysis of data, it was found out that many badges existing in the Nigerian Army, need to be changed - thus the researcher made an alternative well designed b a d g e , for each of the badly designed ones in existence. It is however hoped that the suggested a l t e r n a t i v e s , designed by the researcher, are accepted and put into use by the Army - for it is one thing to make a good suggestion and recommendation and it is quite another thing, for it to be accepted and implemented.
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Chapter (1 to 5) for clarity and depth.
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