Presented To
Department of
Environmental Design
This study “Conceptualisation of Bomb Blast debris in Gestural Abstract Paintings” seeks to use bomb blast debris as a source of inspiration to create gestural abstraction paintings. Few artists who painted bomb blast scenes had adopted realism such artists as Ali Usman, Alfred Reginald Thomson and Brijesh Upadhyay and in surrealism approach are the likes of Salvador Dali, James Roper and Joe Igbaro. Considering the fact that little attention are paid to gestural abstraction, the aim of the study is to create paintings using bomb blast debris to achieve gestural abstraction, while the objectives are to adopt bomb blast images as imageries in paintings; execute paintings on bomb blast debris using gestural abstraction; explore bomb blast debris using different colour schemes. The conceptual framework of the study is guided by the general approach of gestural abstraction, style and techniques of Willem De Kooning (1904-1997) and Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), whose painting are inspired by bomb blast. The researcher reviewed related literature and works of art that are relevant to the research; these are action paintings and abstract expressionism of De Kooning, Kandinsky, Karounwi, Rothko and Newman and history of bomb blast in Nigeria. The study employed qualitative research methodology in line with practice-based research methodology. The researcher made use of photographs that captured images from bomb blast. Some of the accoutrements were also collected and photographed which were translated into sketches. The tools used for the collection of data included photographs, camera, computer system and sketch pads. The studio exploration was executed in line with the study objectives. The works were grouped into four (4) cardinal approaches which include preliminary, exploration, developmental and conceptual stages. Findings of the study based on the objectives are: possibility of creating painting from the aftermath of the bomb blast with various media which inspired the researcher to articulate sketches for the objective two, works were produced to confirm that , it is possible to conceptually generate bomb blast debris with resultant effect, few works that can substantiate possibilities of generating bomb blast debris with gestural abstraction to achieve a concept were created, and colour or chromatic abstraction means of translating a concept, emotions and feeling was adopted. In conclusion, the study concerned itself with the possibility of conceptualization of bomb blast debris in painting to make visual statements in painting compositions. The paintings showcase a phenomenon to provide in sigma of deviancy that seems to threaten the peaceful co-existence of a Country- Nigeria. The study recommends that; further studies should be carried out on other aspects left behind by the aftermath of bomb blast, further studies should be encouraged in other related areas such as deviancy characters in a society. The study has; revealed stages of gestural abstraction using bomb blast debris in contemporary practice in Nigeria, evolved aesthetic considerations of bomb blast debris in conveying both gloomy and peaceful visual abstract expression in painting, established the possibilities of achieving action and gestural abstraction in painting using bomb blast debris in practice-based research, revealed that gestural abstraction can be used to create sublime colour interaction in interrogating bomb blast debus in painting and also to establish the sociological role that artists play in bringing to fore the hideous effects of bomb blast debris in Nigeria.
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