This project work is designed to implement the posting of student who are eligible to serve the Nation after undergoing their Degree program or Diploma program from any authorized Institution approved by the Federal Government. This project work is embarked upon to monitor the way and manner students are being posted, considering the following factors which were the main objective of this work. Student must not be above the service year which is 30 years. The implementation of this new system will help to alleviate the problems that was associated the manual or conventional system of posting of students which was easily influenced by staff of the scheme. The research work was centered on NYSC Abuja. The new system to be implemented was designed using Microsoft visual basic 6.0
Prior to the educational system of Nigeria, it is of importance that graduates from tertiary institutions must pass through NYSC (National Youth Service Corps), which is a compulsory one year program. Criteria for this program is that, the graduate most be 30 years or below as at the year of graduation.
Nigeria currently consists of 36 states and a federal capital territory in Abuja. Nigeria is made of more than 250 ethnic nationalities. In view of these the NYSC scheme ensures that every potential corps members are posted to states other than their states of origin and away from their geographical, ethnic and cultural background in other to integrate with other ethnic group in the country.
This NYSC posting strategy ensures national integration as the corps members learn lifestyles different from the ones they are used to. The NYSC scheme also instills discipline and the spirit of selfless service and self reliance on the youths that took part in the program.
A typical NYSC year program is divided into four phases. They are the NYSC orientation program, primary assignment, community development service (CDS) and winding-up program.
Due to the present trend of information technology, it is of importance that the posting system should be automated, so as to enhance adequate service delivering. By so doing it will support operations, management and decision making for the scheme in achieving her set goal.
This information system is mainly depended on ICT component e.g Computer and the information systems will help to control the performance of the scheme.
The existing system is faced with the under listed challenges:
i. The system of posting of coppers was manipulated manually, in the sense that, students that are above the age of service year are allowed to go for service which is against the rules of the scheme.
ii. Another problem that is associated with the old system of operation is the idea of posting coppers to their state of origin which is not allowed. In the laid down constitution of the scheme, the scheme is not meant to post coppers to their respective state of origin. This was done based on the manual system that was involved in the scheme, and most times the workers can easily get influenced by student and they will be prompted to work their service for the students as well.
The objectives of carrying out this research work is to achieve the following
i. To provide the necessary information that is required by the students embarking for service.
ii. To post student to a different state outside their state of origin
iii. To prevent the idea of grandaunt who have passed the age of service from going to service.
iv. To reduce the number of coppers that does go for service by checking if they are disabled, military personnel and married. e. t. c.
The design of information system is very significant in the aspect of National Youth Service Corps because of the sensitive role it plays in the country.
In order to keep the scheme moving and reliable, the implementation of information system will be very important or significant in the scheme in achieving her objectives, because without adequate information the scheme will be useless because information is power
This study is mainly centered on the posting system of "NYSC". The research will investigate the formal posting system by looking at is short comings and try to proffer solution to the existing system by implementing a new computerized posting system.
In the course of this work, certain terms were used. Some of this term is clearly represented below:
i. NYSC: This stands for National Youth Service Corps
ii. Information: Information in its most restricted technical sense is an ordered sequence of symbols that record or transmit a message.
iii. Management: is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively