Design and implementation of computerized-population-analysis-system



Presented To

Department of Computer Science

Design and implementation of computerized-population-analysis-system


Computerized based spec analysis system includes the sets of methods that allow us to measure the dimensions and dynamics of populations. These methods have primarily been developed to study human populations, but are extended to a variety of areas where researchers want to know how populations of social actors can change across time through processes of birth, death, and migration. In the context of human biological populations demographic analysis uses administrative records to develop an independent estimate of the 

population. Computerized based spec analysis system estimates are often considered a reliable standard for judging the accuracy of the census 

information gathered at any time. In the labor force demographic analysis is used to estimate sizes and flows of populations of workers; in population ecology the focus is on the birth, death and movement of firms and institutional forms, the software is created and design with visual basic 6.0 


This project work is primarily designed to give an insight to Computerized based spec analysis system. 

Chapter one talks about introduction to Demographic analysis, study of problem and objectives as well as definition of the scope.
Chapter two comprises the literature review. Chapter three gives the detailed information about the existing (old) system, while chapter four and five deals with the design and implementation of new system. 

Chapter six documents the project work, while chapter seven summaries, conclusion and suggestions were made - - .

Demography is the statistical and mathematical study of the size, composition, and spatial distribution of human populations and how these features change over time. Data is obtained from a census of the population and from registries-records of events like birth, deaths, migrations, marriages, divorces, diseases, and employment. To do this, there needs to be an understanding of how they are calculated and the questions they answers which is included in these four concepts: population change, standardization of population numbers, the demographic bookkeeping equation, and population composition. 

Population change is analyzed by measuring the change between one population size to another. Global population continues to rise, which makes population change an essential component to demographics. This is calculated by taking one population size minus the population size in an earlier census. The best way of measuring population change is using the intercensal  percentage change. The intercensal percentage change is the absolute change in population between the censuses divided by the population size in the earlier census. Next, multiply this by 100 to receive a percentage. When this statistic is achieved, the population growth between two or more nations that differ in size, can be accurately measured and examined.

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