Student Examination Result Processing System



Presented To

Department of Computer Science

Student Examination Result Processing System.


This study was carried out to verify all the manual process involved in generating Students Examination Result and to seek a way of automating the system for effective operations. Since there is continuous moves towards technological advances that enhanced productivity of labor and free human beings of task more economically by machines. Computer and its appreciations have become vital tools in economic, industrial and social development of advanced countries of the world. This system is designed to efficiently handle processes like inputting scores, storing results, classifying the grade points automatically calculated, and interpreting data of students overall result. The usual manual process now reached a level where it is difficult for the available man power to cope with the magnitude of examination work, in the given time span; The in balance between the man power availability and the magnitude of the examination work result in the delay in the declaration of results. The most effective measure, with can improve the efficiency of the examination system, therefore the  introduction of computerization especially with the use of Examination Result Processing Software in various activities related to the conduct of result reduces the span required for the declaration of results by 60 percent and reduces the process by almost 50 percent.




The effort expended in the process of registration of students and computation of their examination results is awesome Quite worrisome is the fact that these processes are carried out every academic session, putting the operators in a continuous and ever demanding cycle The computation of examination results and registration of students is obviously an object-centered activity, the student being the dominant object in this case Hence, the need to evolve a computerized process that will effectively and efficiently capture all the important data associated with the registration and examination result processing within the University and the interactions among the objects

Students’ Examination Result is the summary of each of the semester or four years performance in a degree program for BACHELLOR DEGREE to be terminable A students’ Result is also demanded by a student who has finished BSc and wishes to transfer to another school or student who wishes to get a job A Transcript is not given directly to a student It is sent to the school that the student wishes to be transferred, or to the organization or establishment that requires the result

A students’ Result is prepared or formed by the scores entered on the designed score sheet by the individual subject lecturers on semester examinations This genuine and noble desire necessitated the design and development of the Undergraduate Registration and Examination Processing System software

112               STUDENT RESULT GUIDE

 When a student attends an academic institution (s), a record is kept which traces his/her academic history The students’ examination Result displays a record of all the credit and grades a student has acquired at each school attended Below are frequently asked questions about students examination Results

·        How is a student's examination Result used?

By all students:

Student can use a student’s examination Result as a means of monitoring their credit classes and grades and to make sure the information is accurate Students use an "Unofficial student’s examination Result "for this purpose When a student is applying to another college or university, enrolling institution will require for an official students examination Result so that credits can be evaluated by the enrolling institution

An enrolling institution conducts a student's examination result evaluation to place a student at his or her appropriate academic level

·        How can I obtain a students examination Result?

Student must request their students’ examination Result from the office of Record or from the office of the Registrar Each school has its own student’s examination Result release procedures

Because students examination Result requests are covered by the family Educational Rights and privacy Act ,students ( giving name, date of attendance ,and social security number), or provide proper documentation when appearing in person often schools provide a "Request for official students examination Result "form A small fee is usually charged The difference between official and unofficial students examination Result is that ,official students examination Result must meet certain standards and be sent directly from one institution to another In some cases, the college will accept an official students examination Result from the student if it hand delivered in a sealed envelop Unofficial students’ examination Result can be sent directly to a requesting student It could be marked as an unofficial student’s examination Result or issued to students but not all schools issue these

·        Wilall my credit be transferred?

Each school has its own transfer credit acceptance policies Credit transfer problems can result if:

·        An institution does not have proper accreditation

·        Certain courses are taken (eg base skills or physical education courses) that are not approved for transfer

·        The amount of credit hours earned exceeds the maximum amount the institution will transfer

·        The enrolling institution has a difficult time evaluating a course

·        The course work is over 10years old colleges often require appreciate catalogs or course descriptions                                       


There has been this problem of too much work for the Head of Department of Exams and Records owing to the increase of students in the institution, the Head of Department of the Exams and Records is faced  with heaps of files At times sorting out a particular students file takes time This bitter complaint and the delay in the preparing of this students examination Result has been the major concern and therefore has intensified the need to design a generating software which will go a long way in tackling these problems and proffering solutions, at the same time to quicken the generating of student’s result


The purpose of this study is designing and implementation of Student Examination Result Processing System


·                    To enhance speedy of the results

·                    To eliminate error due to manual processing

·                    To provide security measure to check student mischievous act of changing marks on the result sheet


The aim and objectives for students’ examination Result is to study and document all processes involved in the task of generating students examination Result and eliminate errors due to manual processing It is also to enhance the speed of the results Finally to keep accurate record of students examination Results in the school and prevent lost of result, which are vital to the exams and records


The scope (or delimitation of study) falls under the process of degree of extension

Specifically in Gombe State University Gombe, their grade begins with

A followed by AB, B, BC, C and F

A stands for 4, while AB =35, B = 3, BC =25 C =20 and F =15 ie any thing below 20 which is c (pass) is F (fail)

But in Caritas University Enugu, their grade is followed by B, C, D, E, and F where A stands for 50, B = 40, C =30, D = 20, E=10 and F =00 ie any thing below 10 which E (pass) is F (fail)

Below are the illustrations:

































It should be noted that CARITAS have greater point than that of GOMBE


 The constraints that were highly against this study are: Financial predicament and inconsistency in the economic background of the institute Also lack of the needed materials and time given to accomplish the task was toughly against the study


The following are some terms commonly used in this project

·        DATA: Raw information or it is fact and figure collected together for references

·        DIRECT DATA CAPTURED: Data is capture directly without a conversion stage, by means of the input devices such as mouse, keyboard, pen writers, cameras, fax, etc

·        INPUT: is the term denoting either an entrance which are inserted into a system These are hardware that helps to send data in form of input to the computer

·        ON-LINE DATA ENTRY: Data is entered directly into the computer one transaction at a time (also known as transaction processing) under program control

·        OUTPUT: These are computer hardware that are responsible for giving out processed information

·        SOFTWARE: the program and other operating information used by computer; also a set of programswrittten to carry out some task in the computer Logical related programs that works together to control hardware

·        PROCESS: This is the management of transportation of data into useful information

·        STUDENTS EXAMINATION RESULT: An official record of student’s work that show the courses they have taken and the marks they have achieved

·        DESIGN: The art or process of deciding how something will look, works etc

·        DOCUMENTATION: material that provides official information or evidence or that serves as record; written specifications and information that describes the product The act of recording something in a document

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