

Presented To

Department of English and Linguistics


This study seeks to make a linguistic analysis of television talk show, a case study of NTA Kaduna with the aim of describing the nature of its dialogue, providing an assessment of it, and exposing the peculiarities therein. It brings to the fore features that have otherwise not been observed in talk show. The usual assumption by discourse analysts is that language used in institutionalized or formal settings is structured and follow the tenets of discourse analysis. As a result, there is a disparity in language use in spontaneous and institutionalized settings. Chapter one focuses on the background to the study. It also presents a brief insight into the case study. It also examines the research problem, aim, scope and limitation as well as the significance of the study. Chapter two looks at literature review, conceptualization of television talk show, history of breakfast talk show and format of breakfast talk show. Chapter three is the data presentation and analysis of the study. Chapter four takes us to a pragmatic insight which forms the basis for arrival at our conclusion. This study observes that language use within the talk show is not fashioned in the usual manner of language use in institutionalized settings. It recommends that language use in other institutionalized settings should be analyzed as well for their flexibility as it pertains to spontaneity and also of the use of other theoretical genres of Linguistics for the analysis of dialogue as discourse should be considered



Television is an important medium of communication in the 21st century (Obono and Madu, 2012). It is used for several reasons including information, education, entertainment and persuasion. Unlike other media structures, television has the advantage of utilizing vision for mass communication (Obono and Madu, 2012). This is because it provides the avenue for programming which remains a key instrument for attracting audience and determining the viability of a station and for changing a society (Obono and Madu, 2012).

Television technology is developing rapidly and impacting on diverse strata of the population. It is a socializing agent as information transmitted can easily affect people’s (audience) worldview, perception and behavior. It exposes people to opinions that challenge their traditional ethos (Mary, 2010). Television has thus, become a major source of information acquisition, companionship and a relaxation tool as it provides millions with free leisure strategies and opportunities. The advent of television technology has further accelerated the establishment of television stations and programmers in both the developed and less developed countries

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