This study examines an appraisal of performance of small scale enterprises in community development; evidence from Anambra south senatorial zone, Anambra state. Specifically the study provides the reasons for going into SMEs; sources of financing SMEs; role of SMEs in community development and factors militating against SMEs in community development. The researchers distributed 143 questionnaires to the respondents that make up the sample size. The research questions were answered using mean rating under the modified four-point likert scale.Result of the investigation reveals that SMEs play the "/> This study examines an appraisal of performance of small scale enterprises in community development; evidence from Anambra south senatorial zone, Anambra state. Specifically the study provides the reasons for going into SMEs; sources of financing SMEs; role of SMEs in community development and factors militating against SMEs in community development. The researchers distributed 143 questionnaires to the respondents that make up the sample size. The research questions were answered using mean rating under the modified four-point likert scale.Result of the investigation reveals that SMEs play the "/>
SMEs have been discovered to be a key driver for a country’s economic growth (Schmiemann, 2009) hence, SMEs cannot be overlooked in the economic development of any country. Okongwu (2001) argues that SMEs are recognized as the main source of economic growth and a major factor in promoting private sector development and partnership, in developed and developing countries. SMEs help to create employment and are often seen as very important for the growth and innovation of dynamic economies (Mutula and Brakel, 2006). Therefore, economic growth and development in Africa can be achieved through the emergence of strong SMEs, which will later grow to become major players in the developing economy. SMEs help to diversify economic activities that have significant contributions to imports and exports, they are flexible and can adapt quickly to changing market demands (Ongori, 2009). Thus, SMEs contribute more and more to the national and international economies of the world.
According to Wattanapruttipaisan (2003), the significance of SMEs for growth, productivity and competitiveness of the economies in both developed and developing countries is acknowledged universally, since SMEs bring about substantial local capital formation, contribute to improved living standards and achieve high levels of productivity. SMEs are identified as a major means of achieving equitable and sustainable industrial diversification.
The contributions of SMEs to Nigeria’s economy are not contestable as about 10% of the total manufacturing output and 70% of the industrial employment are by SMEs (Aina, 2007). Through the utilization of local resources, SMEs promote industrial and economic development and are responsible for the production of intermediate goods and the transformation of rural technology (Aina, 2007). Nigerian SMEs not only provide employment and income for majority of its citizens but are also recognized as the breeding ground for domestic entrepreneurial capabilities, technical skills, technological innovativeness and managerial competencies for private sector development (SMEDAN, 2005, Aina, 2007).
The assistance of SMEs to any economy are obvious, as SMEs are known to contribute to the development of several economies in terms of output of goods and services and creation of jobs at relatively low capital cost (Apulu and Latham, 2010). SMEs also improve forward and backward linkages between economically, socially and geographically diverse sectors of many economies (SMEDAN, 2005). Thus, the development of SMEs is an essential element in the growth strategy of many economies including Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of The Problem
The key problem facing most small scale enterprises is lack of finance whether for the establishment of new industries or to carry out expansion plans. The inability to attract financial credit or resources has hindered or stifled the growth of small scale enterprise. The reasons for the lack of fund include the followings:
1.3 Objective of The Study
The specific objectives of this study is
1 To determine the sources of financing SMEs from the respondents;
2 To ascertain the role of SMEs in community development; and
3 To identify factors militating against SMEs in community development.
1.4 Research Questions
This study was guided by the following research questions:
1 To what extent do small scale enterprise contribute to towards economic development of a community ?
2 What are the problems encountered by the small scale enterprise in sourcing for funds?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following null hypothesis was given for this study
i Ho: Small Scale enterprise do not contributes immensely towards economic development of a community.
Hi: Small Scale enterprise contributes immensely towards economic development of a community.
ii Ho: Small scale enterprises do not encountered problems in source for funds.
Hi : Small scale enterprises encountered problems in source for funds.
1.6 Organization Of The Study
This paper is divided into five sections. Following the background, section II reviews related literature on the topic. Section III set out the research methodology, while Section IV presents and analyses the empirical results. Section V rounds it up with the conclusion and recommendations.
1.7 Significance of the Study
Small-Scale Enterprises in Africa rely largely on own savings, not only to grow but also to innovate, firms often need real services support and formal finance assistance. This study will be of benefit to the operators of the Small and Medium Enterprise, the government, and the general public on the possible financing options and survival strategies available to the Small and Medium Scale enterprise and give the possible means of accessing them.
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