

Presented To

Department of Educational Foundations


The study was on the Impact of Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the administration of Polytechnic in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study population comprised 5 polytechnics in Ogun State, Nigeria. These polytechnic were one Federal Polytechnic, one State owned Polytechnic, one Private owned Polytechnic and two ICT Polytechnics. Sixty subjects were randomly selected from the population. However, related literatures were reviewed from textbooks, journals and past researches. The research instruments were questionnaire which was statically analyzed with contingency tables while the hypotheses were both tested at 0.05 level of significance using the mean statistic. It was discovered that there is a significant relationship between Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the administration of polytechnic. Therefore, the finding revealed that the proprietors of polytechnics (Federal Government, State Government and private individuals) should procure more ICT facilities and equipment to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in polytechnic administration of polytechnic. This study suggested that administrators of polytechnics should place greater emphasis on ICT in their respective institutions to foster capacity building of human resources, material resources and financial resources.



Title page i

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract vi

Table of contents vii


1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Rationale / theoretical frame work 2

1.3 Statement of the problem 3

1.4 Purpose of the study 4

1.5 Research questions / hypothesis 4

1.6 Significance of the study 5

1.7 Limitations of the study 5

1.8 Dedication of the study 5

1.9 Operation definitions of terms 6


2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Basic concepts of information and communications technology 8

2.3 Overview of information and communications technology application

in educational administration 11

2.4 Application of information and communications technology in

polytechnic financial administration 12

2.5 Applicability of information and communications technology (ICT)

In students and staff administration 15

2.6 Administration and Basic principles of administration 18

2.7 Leadership role of institutional administrator 23

2.8 Historical background of polytechnic education in Nigeria 25

2.9 Application of computers to institutional administration in Nigeria 27

2.10 Relevance of ICT to administration of institutions 29


3.1 Introduction 31

3.2 Research Design 31

3.3 Population of Study 31

3.4 Sampling Procedure 32

3.5 Instrumentation 32

3.6 Data Collection 33

3.7 Data Analysis Techniques 33


4.1 Introduction 35

4.2 Research Questions/Hypotheses analysis and results 35

4.3 Discussion of results 38

4.4 Summary of findings 40


5.1 Introduction 42

5.2 Implication of the study 42

5.3 Recommendation 43

5.4 Suggestions for further studies 43

5.5 Conclusion 44

References 45

Questionnaire (Appendix) 48




Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is technology that supports activities involving the creation, storage manipulation and communication of information, together with the related methods, management and application.

In other words, ICT enables us to record, store, process, and retriever and transmit information. It encompasses modern technology technologies such as computer, telecommunication, facsimile and micro-electronics. Older technologies such as document filling systems, mechanical accenting machines, printing and care drawings are also included in the term information technology. Information and communication technology in today's world refers to those technologies that determine the efficiency and effectiveness with which we communication and the devices that allow us to handle information.

Information and communication Technology (ICT) has becomes a key tool in acquiring, processing and disengaging knowledge.

It has becomes an imperative tool for investing developing of a nation in the 21st century the revolutionary impact of ICT on all sphere of the society has not spared the educational sector.

Education is a pre- requisite of today knowledge-based economy the production and use of new knowledge required a more educated population, ICT is playing a major role the acquisition and diffusion of knowledge which are fundamental aspects of the education process. It is offerings increasing possibilities absent teaching and for invocation in teaching activities through being able to deliver learning cognitive activities any where at anytime. The availability of the internet has giving rise to an electronics approach to the educational system called e-leering

Tertiary educational institutions have always being at the fore front of new scientific discoveries and innovation brought about by the activities of teaching learning and research. E-learning is becoming increase singly primmest in tertiary education, e-learning is being delivered on the platforms of ICT infrastructure promise to widen access to education and at reduced cost, Apart from electronics learning ICT infrastructure are being widely use to support teaching, learning, administration and research activities in tertiary instillation, such infrastructure include personal computers, specialized software, handheld devices, interactive volute board, intranet and visual literary.


The internet is now widely used as a medium of communications arrange administration researchers and student in higher institutions. There are many desirable attributes of information communication of information and technology (ICT). Each of them concerns the effective prevision of information to the recipient. These include purpose accuracy factorial, volume of information volume of detail and presentation of information

The term Administration is regarded as the process of utilizing human and imperial resources in accomplishing designating objectives; this could be done by organization, direction co-coordinating and evaluating programmer in a bid to actives goals or objectives. In a such social process, there is always a structure inerrably comprising the subordinates and super ordinals

As such, the primary function of management is to take decisions facture leaching to the achievement of organizational objectives. The types of decisions management malies will determine it information needs, however the numerous crises in they are higher instatement could have been prevents if information and communication Technology will promote issues on student admission student records and transcript examination records and transcript, examination records, teaching, research and community services it has also been observed that the monitoring and evaluation of staff, physical plant planning curriculum development, financial management and information dissemination will increase the efficiency of the polytechnic administration, if information and communication Technology facilities are adequately and properly initialized.


The basic problem of this study is to examine the relational between information (ICT) and administration of polytechnics

i. ICT can be applied directly to provide solution to specific administration problems

ii. ICT enhances qualitative and quantitative decision-molding and information management

iii. ICT encourages skill acquisition and competency of administrating

iv. ICT guarantees effective administrative practices in record keeping, information management, personal administrant and resource allocation.

v. ICT here capacity to hurdle quality of date, process them, solve them, process them, store them and release them when needed even at the fastest speed.


The purpose of this study is to model a critical analysis of the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) in the administration of polytechnic in Ogun State Nigeria moreover ICT have substantial roles to play in network institutional administration of polytechnics in Nigeria.


This study will make use of these various research questions / hypotheses below:

i. Does ICT provide solution to specific problems of administration?

ii. Does ICT enhance qualitative and quantitative decision-making in the administration of polytechnic

iii. Does ICT encourages shill acquisition and competency of administration

iv. Does ICT guarantees effective administration practices of human and in trial resources?

v. Does ICT have capacity to handle quantity of date for processing with fastest speed?

H01. There is no significant relationship between information and communications technology and solving administration problem.

H02. There is no significant relationship between information and communications and quality of decision marking in the administrative of polytechnics.

H03. There is no significant relationship between information and communications technology and administrative competence in polytechnics.

H04. There is no significant relationship between information and communications technology and administration of human resources in polytechnics

H05. There is no significant relationship between information and communications technology and speed in data management in polytechnics.


This study is significant to the extent that findings would assists the federal and State ministry of education, National Education Agencies and Foreign and International bodies in implementing its educational policies and compliance with E-leering and E-administration of polytechnics, moreover, this study is amide el-sealing sometimes to the implementation and application of the impact of information and communications of polytechnics in Ogun State Nigeria.


This research is concluded within the frame wary of the state objectives it is not indented to carry out a complete evaluation of the impact of application of information and communication technology in the administration of polytechnics of Ogun State, Nigeria

Due to time and francium constraints, the researcher would do the questionnaire administration on selected polytechnics in Ogun State, Nigeria.


This study is restricted to the impact of application of Information and Communication Technology in the administration of polytechnics in Ogun State Nigeria. However the scope of this research work would be invited to an assessment of five selected polytechnics the selected polytechnics and listed below:

i. Federal polytechnic Ilaro

ii. Moshood Abiola Polytechnic Ojere

iii. Allover Central Polytechnic Ota

iv. Gateway (ICT) Polytechnic Itori

v. Gateway (ICT) polytechnic Saapade


ADMINISTRATION: is a social process concerned with identifying maintaining, motivating, controlling and unifying formally organized human and material resources within an integrate system designed specifically to activate predetermined objectives.

APPLICATION : is the usage of computer software designed to assist the users to perform specific task related to records keeping and retrieval.

ELECTRONIC ACCOUNTING: Is conceded with the possibility of captioning transactions on-line which is measured, recognized and reported electronically.

ELECTRONIC LEARNING: (E-learning) is an electronic delivery and administration of learning opportunities and support via computer network and web-based technology.

ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT: is a collective term for a range of different technologic that can be used to annotate the internal and external process associated with the saucing and ordering process of goods and service.

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY: This is refers to those technologies that determine the efficiency and effectiveness with which we communicate and the devices that allow us handle information.

POLYTECHNIC: This is an instruction concerned with the provision of technical knowledge and vocational sculls necessary for the world of word to increase opportunity for productive worth and sustainable livelihood.

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