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The lymphocyte sub-populations cd3, CD4, CDS, CDI9 were determined in the blood of fifty patients each with acute uncomplicated Neisseria gonorrhoea: Chlamydia trachomatis and Haemophilus ducreyi genital infection. Macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) test to purified protein derivative (PPD) to assess functional cell mediated immunity and the polymorph function test for the evaluation of phagocytosis and bactericidal activity were also assessed in the same patients. Comparison was made of the above results with thirty (30) normal healthy age. and sex matched controls. Neisseria gonorrhoea studies The mean lymphocyte subsets CD3, CD8, CD19 absolute numbers were raised compared to control subjects, although not significantly (p > 0.05) in all the patients. CD4 cells percentages in thirteen patients (26%) were below the value in the normal healthy control, although not significantly (p=0.01). There is tendency to reversal of the CD4/CD8 cell ratio in this disease. The study suggests that T-cell were activated during this disease, and that they may have a role in the containment of this infection. Macrophage inhibition factor test, indicated that there is a partial acquired cell mediated immunity in gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis. The polymorph function using Staphylococcus aureus as assay test indicated that there is no impairment in the polymorphonuclear leucocyte cell function in comparison to controls. Chlamydia trachomatis studies. The study in Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection showed that there is no significant increase in lymphocyte subsets of CD3, CD8, CD19, p > 0.05. Fourteen (14) or 28% of the patients had CD4 cells below the mean of the control subjects, though none significantly, p > 0.05. The CD4/CD8 cell ratio was not inverted in this disease. Acquired protective cell mediated immunity in Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection was assessed by the Macrophage Migration Inhibition Factor (MIF), a cytokine. The study showed that there is complete acquired protective cell mediated immunity in chlamydia genital infection, though p < 0.05. The Bacterial Killing Index (BKI) was assayed by the ability of the neutrophil to ingest Staphylococcus aureus. There was no impairment in the polymorphous cells to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus of capacity. Therefore, there is no impairment of polymorph function in Chlamydia genital infection. Haemophilus ducreyi studies. The study in Haemophilus ducreyi genital infection indicated that nine (9) or. 18% of the patients' CD3 cells were below the control value: Fourteen (14) or 28% of the patients' CD8 cells were below the control value Eleven (11I) or 22% of the patients' CD8 cells below the control value, all these differences were not significant p > 0.05. The CD1.9 cells of all the patients were above, the normal control subjects, though not significant, p > 0.05. The cell mediated immunity was assessed by measurement of the Macrophage Migration Inhibition Factor (MIF), a lymphocyte. The study indicated that there is a incomplete cell mediated acquired immunity in H. ducreyi genital ulcer. The poly-morph function was assessed and found to be intact.
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