Title page
Approval page
Dedication acknowledgement
Table of content
List of tables abstract
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study
Review of related literature
2.1 The computer system
2.2 Definition of computer literacy
2.3 The application packages
2.4 Importance of computer literacy
2.5 The relevance of computer literacy and application to modern secretaries.
2.6 The need for secretarial training to meet office technology advancement.
2.7 Summary of related reviewed literature
Research methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Population of the study
3.5 Sample and sampling procedure
3.6 Instrumentation for data collection
3.7 Validity of the instrument
3.8 Reliability of the instrument
3.9 Method of data collection
3.10 Method of data analysis
Data presentation and analysis
4.1 Data presentation
4.2 Summary of result / findings
Discussion of results
5.1 Discussion of result
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implication of the results
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestion for further research
5.6 Limitation of the study
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Since the inception of computer this present age, a lot of changes has been in the financial, institution, administrative works and communication field as well. Eras of computer generation have made this a reality.
This study is mainly concerned with findings the effect of computer on modern secretaries whether the growing computer awareness has anything to do with modern secretaries.
The researcher divided the project into five chapters.
Chapter one introduced the project topic while chapter two reviewed the nature of computers and their use.
Chapter three dwells one computer as a tool of management as it affect modern secretary.
Where as chapter four x - rays the changes associated with computer use.
Chapter five summarizes, make recommendation gives suggestion and concluded it.
The word 'computer' is used when referring to a person who computer or rather, one who does some arithmetic procedures such as :
v Addition
v Subtraction
v Multiplication
v Division
Aniken (1996) however, as time went by, some machines were invented which helped man in his every day arithmetic.
These machines became known as computer because they have been found to be successful in arithmetic and mathematical operation.
The invention of computer became a necessity because of some numerous problems encountered by man when dealing with large numbers. In addition to man's use of grains of corn, finer, toes an pebbles as well as other smaller objects, the Chinese and japans at about 2, 00 B.C adopted and modified the Abacus in which the Japanese later unproved by inventing the SOROBAN.
According to Anikene, (1996) the Abacus could not help as much as expected and this was the reason for John Napers (ascot) invention of Logarithm - a tabular system of Leibniz. James riffy - 1879, Charles Keffering - 1909 continued the invent towards finding improved method of, computing by developing.
v Digital computer
v Calculating machines
v Controlling
v Recording
v Computing machines
v Accounting machine respectively
The ability to deal effectively with information technologies in business, industries and government and increasingly in our homes and our schools has created a need for what has been called "computer literacy". A computer literacy populace is necessary to an information society as raw materials and energy are the industrial society.
A computer conference, jointly organized by Mime sofa Educational computing consorfilm (MECO) and the human resources research organization (HUMRRO), was carried out on computer literacy, which attempted to investigate issues, consideration and barriers to developing a national goal for achieving a computer literacy was an attempt to study the many faces to this problem.
At the end of the conference it was agreed that, there is a national need for "computer literacy". Through, there were also many common themes.
Before the invention of computers, most of the secretarial function were previously performed manually with the use of the following machines:
v Punch card
v Typewriters
v Adding / calculating machines
v Dating and numerical machines
v Letter opening machines
v Inserting and sealing machines
v Dictating machines
v Addressing machines
v Franking machines
v Collecting machines
All there call for time wasting, inaccuracy of work, untidy work and so on. It is also noted that for a secretary to store and retrieve information for office use, he / she had kept file in cabinet which occupied a lot of space in the office.
The introduction of computer technology has provided a number of office equipment and machines such as:
v Computer
v Word processor
v Electronic
v Electric
v Typewriters
v Scanning
v Duplicating
v Transcribing machines
This breakthrough in office technology has helped the modern secretary in the following ways:
v Relief of work monotony and frustration
v Saving of time and labour
v Efficient services
v Management oriented function
With last two decades, the main position of he secrete was shifted from the mere handling of shorthand and typewriting to the operation of sophisticated office equipment and this trend will continue for a long time.
Most secretaries refuse to adapt to the use of modern technology for the fear that it might cost them their job since it takes less time and man power to carry out a job with the computer than manually.
The use of old equipment makes the secretarial work difficult and untidy even wastes time. Most secretaries in the institute find it difficult to acquire new skill required to operate the computer because of management refusal to train them to be computer literate. One then wonders what the secretaries shall do to be computer literate. How would they acquire the skill required in the operation of the computer? They should go on their own and register for computer training programme, so that they will acquire the required skill needed.
For eve action, there must be a reason; the purpose of this study is:
v To find out the need for computer literacy and application
v To identify how computer helps the secretary in modern business organization.
v To identity the problem being faced by secretaries with the use of computer
v To find out solution to the problem
This study will attempt to look at how for the introduction of computer literacy and application has modernized the office of the secretary.
It will further look at how this modern machine has helped in creating path for the secretary in modern business organization.
In order to successfully carry out this research work, some research question have formulated, they are as follows:
v Do we have need for computer literacy and application?
v How do computer help secretaries in the performance of their job in the office
v What are the problems we encounter in the usage of computer?
This project work is one in a series of research projects being undertaken in the department of secretarial studies, institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu.
It will be of immense benefit to all engaged in the study of intellectual and social phenomena. These groups are the research, student and business organizations.
To researchers, it will help us to have first hand knowledge of what research work is all about this stud will also serve as a reference point to future researcher.
To the business organization this study will help them in planning or decision making especially when resources are scarce and the need arises to optionally allocate this resource among several computing needs. The study is expected to create awareness to secretaries on the importance of computer literacy and the challenges of information technology. It will also afford other secretaries the opportunity to enhance their knowledge with computer.
Finally, this work will serve as a model to other researcher form other institution of higher learning who may wish to embark on similar study.