This study was embarked upon to ascertain the impact of Accountancy knowledge on the Role of Electronic Banking in the Development of Financial institutions in Nigeria.
The study has a total of three chapters and first chapter titled the introduction started with the background of study. Here, an overview of accountancy knowledge on Electronic Banking was undertaken.
The aims and objectives of the study were duly highlighted in chapter one. The aims and the objectives of the study includes; information and knowledge mad available to bank management, also the extent to which bank management utilized accounting information in electronic banking, it is likely to inform us on the Roles of banking and the internet with the use of accounting Knowledge in their development decision to suggest ways which usage of accounting knowledge can be made more effective in banking system. And finally, to make recommendation on ways of strengthening the positive contributions of banking sector to the national economy.
Also the significance of the study which includes both the theoretical and practical significance was explained.
Chapter two included the literature review. Here the earlier works of erudite scholars, theorist and analysis and its relevance to the study were analyzed .
Chapter three is where the findings of the research were highlighted which included, that the accounting knowledge is desirable and indispensable electronic banking that the utilization of accounting to a higher percentage leads to profitable investment to the banes than did not employ it.
I finally concluded the chapters and the project by admonishing on the importance of utilizing the finding of the research.
Title page
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objectives of the study.
1.4 Significant of the study
1.5 Statement of the study
1.6 Definition of Terms
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Consent and features of electronic banking
2.2 Functions of electronic banking
2.3 Policies raised by the development of electronic banking
2.4 Regulatory and supervisory frame work of electronic banking
2.5 Cash and automated teller machine (ATM)
2.6 Banking and the internet
2.7 Commerce on the internet
2.8 Electronic on the interchange (EDI)
2.9 Correspondent banking
2.10 Personal computer banking (PCB)
3.0 Summary of finding, recommendation s, conclusions
3.1 Findings
3.2 Recommendations
3.3 Conclusions